Danny's Dream - Chapter Six


Chapter Six
            Danny parked the van and hurried from the driver’s seat. He was anxious to get inside and examine his latest catch. He’d already decided to sell the boy to Nels and the redhead would make a nice gift to Kade for letting him use the cabin. He was definitely keeping little Amanda for himself. The Latino look, her dark skin and hair and those big brown eyes were just too damn sexy. Put her on a bed next to Carrie with her blonde hair and blue eyes. Man! He was getting hard just thinking about it.
            He pulled the van door open and freed Carrie and Angie then lifted the bound Amanda in his arms.
            “Carrie, Angie, go to the kennel and wait for me. ”
            “Yes, Master,” they intoned together as they trotted off.
            Danny carried Amanda downstairs to the dungeon and laid her on the table in the center of the room. He let his hands roam over her small, supple body.
            “Don’t go anywhere, I’ll be right back,” he said as he turned to go back upstairs.
            Xi met him at the top of the stairs.
            “Get Jenny out of the van and put her in her cage in the kennel. Then put Matt in his.

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   Make sure they’re both locked in. ”
            “Yes sir. ”
            She followed him back to the van and released Jenny’s lead chain from the van as Danny lifted Beth from the back of the van. Xi tugged Jenny into the house while Danny carried Beth down to the dungeon. He laid her gently on the floor and let his hands roam over her. He knelt next to her and stared down at her for several seconds.
            “Kade will definitely enjoy you, you little bitch,” he finally whispered.
            He rose to his feet and headed back to the van. Xi had already removed Matt. Sam was the only occupant left. Danny reached in and lifted the boy over his shoulder. He carried him inside the house stopping when he saw Xi coming back downstairs from the kennels.
            “Xi, bring their backpacks in and the boxes of supplies we took with us today. Put their packs in the den. I’ll go through them later.


            “Yes sir. ”
            She headed back out to the van as Danny continued to the dungeon. He put Sam down on the floor next to Beth and carefully studied his new captives. He stepped over to the table and pulled Amanda up into a sitting position then removed her gag. He ran his hand through her hair and along her cheek as she tried to pull away from him. She kept her eyes averted, her cheeks a bright pink.
            “Amanda, dear, how old are you?”
            “Ei-eighteen. ”
            He grabbed a handful of her long dark hair and pulled, forcing her head back so she had to look up at him.
            “Let’s get something straight right now. When you address me, you call me Master unless we’re in public. Then you may call me Sir. Understand?”
            “Y-yes, Master. ” Her voice was soft and vibrated with fear. He loved it.
            “Good girl,” he said as he released her hair and patted her cheek.

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   “Now, how old are you?”
            “Ei-eighteen, Master. ”
            “Have you ever had sex before?”
            “N-no, Master. ”
            “You’re a virgin?”
            “Y-y-yes, Master. ”
            “Ever give a boy a blowjob?”
            Her eyes grew wide as she shook her head.
            “N-n-no, Master. ”
            Danny laughed at her discomfort. Her face glowed a bright red at her embarrassment.
            “Have you ever even seen a guy’s dick before, Amanda?”
            She sobbed softly before answering him, her lower lip quivering.
            “N-n-no, Master. ”
            He caressed her cheek again, smiling brightly.
            “That’s okay, sweetheart. We’ll fix that. ”
            He turned to Beth and lifted her onto the table next to Amanda then removed her gag.
            “How about you, Beth? How old are you?”
            “Ei-eighteen. ”
            He slapped her hard across the face.

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            “Try again, bitch. I know you were listening earlier. How old are you?” he shouted at her.
            “Ei-ei-eighteen, Master. ”
            “That’s better. ” He stared at her for a moment before continuing. “Have you ever had sex?”
            “N-no, Master. ”
            “Have you ever given a guy a blowjob?”
            “N-no, Master. ”
            “Jesus! Have you seen a guy’s prick?”
            “Only in pictures, Master. ”
            Danny turned around and jerked Sam to his feet. He roughly unfastened Sam’s shorts and pulled them down then pulled his brief’s down as well, ignoring the boy’s struggles. He grabbed Sam’s meat in his hand and squeezed.
            “That is what a guy’s prick looks like!” he shouted at the two girls. “Get used to it! You’ll be seeing a lot of it!”
            He shoved Sam roughly to the floor and jerked the gag from the boy’s mouth.
            “Okay, Sam, how old are you?”
            “Ei-eighteen, Master,” Sam whispered.

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            “Have you ever had sex?”
            “N-no, Master. ”
            “How, in this day and age, did I end up with three virgins?”
            Danny stared at the three youngsters in amazed silence.
            “Okay, anyone have any major health problems I should be aware of?”
            They all stared at him in silence.
            “If you’re all virgins then you have no sexually transmitted diseases, right?”
            Again, they all stared at him in silence.
            “Okay, we’re going to find out exactly what we have here. ”
            He lifted Amanda from the table and set her on the floor next to Sam. He then shoved Beth back on the table so she was lying flat on her back. He tied her bound hands over her head before cutting her legs loose. He then proceeded to strip off her shorts and panties while she screamed and thrashed under him.
            “I want to know for sure what I’m dealing with here, bitch,” Danny growled at her. “And I’m tired of listening to you. ”
            He grabbed a penis gag from a nearby shelf and shoved it into her mouth, fastening it behind her head. He then spread her legs and tied each ankle to a corner of the table. Then he shoved his hand into her dry cunt, feeling his way inside her.
            “God, you are a tight little bitch,” he said as he slid his fingers inside her.

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   He pushed as far as he could and suddenly looked down at her face, surprise in his eyes. “I’ll be damned. You are a virgin. ”
            He removed his hand from between her legs and cut her loose from the table. He let her put her shorts back on then retied her legs. He lifted Amanda onto the table and shoved her back so she was lying down. He tied her hands as he had Beth’s then cut the ropes binding her legs. He removed her shorts and panties and tied her feet to the corners of table as he had done with Beth. He then shoved his hand between her legs and felt inside her pussy. He quickly found her barrier and pulled his fingers out.
            “Two for one. I’ll be damned,” he said as he freed Amanda from the table and allowed her to put her shorts back on. He turned to Sam with a smile. “I guess I’ll just have to take your word for it. ”
            Sam sighed in relief.

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            “You ever butt fucked anyone, boy?”
            ‘N-n-no, Master,” Sam sputtered, barely able to get the words out.
            “How’d I ever get so lucky as to end up with a bunch of innocents?” Danny asked with a smile as he turned to leave the room. “Don’t go anywhere now, I’ll be right back. ”
            Danny stepped outside the room and walked partway up the stairs. He pulled his cell phone from his pants pocket and pressed a button to dial a preprogrammed number. He waited for an answer on the other end.
            “Kade, this is Danny. Do I have a surprise for you. You got plans for this evening? Good, you’ve got to come over here tonight. I have a little gift for you. I found it while we were at the cabin so I figured you’d like to have it. Yeah, the usual time. I’m inviting Nels too. I have something he might be interested in. See you tonight.

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            Danny disconnected his call then dialed another number and waited for it to be answered.
            “Hi, Nels. It’s Danny. No, I’m not selling Matt. I do have something else you might be interested in though. Yeah, I just acquired it today. Kade’s coming over tonight and we’re having a little private party. Why don’t you join us? Yeah, the usual time. Okay, see you tonight then. ”
            Danny disconnected the phone and put it back in his pocket. He went back to the dungeon to prepare his new acquisitions.
            “Okay, gang, we’re on for a party tonight. Let’s get you ready. ”
            He pulled three leather collars and small padlocks from a drawer and laid them on the table he had examined Beth and Amanda on. He then retrieved three lead chains from another drawer and laid them out also.

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   He pulled Amanda to her feet and fitted the first collar around her slim neck, locking it in place with one of the mini-padlocks. He then attached a lead chain to it. He cut the ropes binding her legs together and led her to the ring in the wall to the left of the table.
            He returned to the table and picked up another collar. He fitted this collar around Beth’s neck, carefully pulling her long red hair out the way as he closed it around her neck and locked the padlock into place. He hooked the lead chain into place and cut the ropes around her legs. Then he led her to the wall opposite Amanda and hooked her lead chain into the ring in the wall.
            He went back to the table again and picked up the last collar. He fitted this collar around Sam’s neck and locked it into place. Then, after attaching the lead chain, he let Sam pull his pants back up and led him to the back wall. He fastened the lead chain into the ring in the wall.
            “I’ll be back later to get you for the party,” he said as he left the dungeon.
            Danny went upstairs and went straight to the dining room. He stepped over to the table and pressed a tiny button in the middle of the table. Within seconds Xi was standing in the doorway.

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            “We have guests coming tonight. Kade and Nels will be here for a private party with our newest acquisitions. They’re coming at the usual time. ”
            “Yes sir. ”
            “I need your assistance right now, though. We need to punish a certain slave. He just can’t seem to learn. ”
            “Yes sir. ”
            “Since the dungeon is occupied by the new arrivals right now we’ll have to do it in the kennels. I don’t like that but I can’t let this go. ”
            Xi silently followed him up the stairs to the kennels. All eyes were on them when they entered the room. They went directly to Matt’s cage and stopped.
            “Well, boy, you just can’t behave yourself can you?” Danny asked as he opened the door to Matt’s cage. “Get our here.


            Matt slowly left the relative safety of his cage to face Danny’s fury. Danny grabbed his right arm and twisted it behind his back, quickly cuffing him. He then grabbed Matt’s left arm and drew it back, cuffing it as well. Once he had Matt handcuffed, he turned the other man to face him.
            “You tried to warn the bitch, didn’t you?”
            Matt stared at the floor and remained silent. Danny held his hand out to Xi, she handed him a small flogger. He took it and flung it around, hitting Matt across the stomach.
            “Answer me!”
            Matt held his silence.
            Danny continued to strike Matt with the flogger, hitting him across the chest, stomach and abdomen. Finally, when they were both sweating and breathing hard, he stopped.
            “You tried to warn her, didn’t you?”
            “Yes, Master,” Matt finally whispered.
            “Against the wall!” Danny ordered, pointing to the wall opposite the row of cages.
            Matt slowly trudged across the room and stood with his back to the wall. Danny locked his collar to a ring in the wall and cuffed his hands to the wall so his arms were outstretched as Xi removed the CB3000 from over his cock and went to work with ropes, tying them around his balls and prick. As she worked, Danny paced back and forth in front of them.

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            “If you ever try anything like that again, I’ll fucking kill you. I’ll beat the fucking shit out of Jenny and then kill her. ”
            Matt sucked in his breath as Xi tightened the ropes around his genitals.
            “All done, sir. ”
            “Add the fucking weights,” Danny ordered.
            “How much, sir?”
            “I don’t care. Pile ’em on until he passes out for all I care. ”
            Xi carefully strung small weights onto the ropes binding Matt’s prick and balls. She added several different sized drawing groans of pain from him. When she finally moved her hands away and stood up he thought his groin was on fire from the pain.
            “Don’t you ever pull shit like that again, boy,” Danny growled at him as they turned and left the room.
            Danny headed to his room to clean up and get ready for Kade’s and Nels’ arrival. Xi went back downstairs to prepare their dinner. Danny quickly showered and changed into a pair of sweat pants and a tee-shirt before heading back downstairs. Xi already had several trays of various finger foods and small sandwiches prepared when he arrived in the dining room.


   He was sampling some of the food when he heard the doorbell.
            “I’ll get it, Xi!” he called as he hurried from the dining room.
            He strode across the living room and opened the front door to see Kade lounging on his front porch. They shook hands as Danny invited him in. Danny was just closing the door when he saw Nels approaching so he waited for the other man and invited him in as well.
            “I’m glad you could both make it,” Danny said as he led them to the dining room.
            “You made it sound so intriguing how could I refuse?” Kade asked.
            “If you’re not selling Matt but you have something else you think I might be interested in, I definitely want to see it,” Nels quipped.
            “Well, if you’re that anxious,” Danny said. “Grab a tray of food and follow me. ”
            They each grabbed a try and headed for the dungeon. Danny led them inside and they set the trays on the table where Danny had completed his earlier examinations.
            “Oh my god,” Nels giggled. “These are new ones aren’t they?”
            “Yep. Just got them today,” Danny replied.

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   He glanced at Kade as he continued, “We were shooting some videos at Kade’s cabin and they just wandered in. I couldn’t resist. ”
            He pointed to Beth.
            “That’s Beth. She’s yours Kade. She’s a virgin, buddy. I confirmed it earlier. ”
            Kade’s eyes flew from studying Beth to narrow on Danny.
            “Are you shittin’ me?”
            “No. I checked her myself. She’s all yours. Thanks for letting me use the cabin. ”
            “Anytime,” Kade mumbled as he strode toward Beth.
            “Nels, this,” Danny said dramatically, pointing to Sam. “Is Sam.

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   He’s a virgin too. And he’s all yours, for a fee of course. ”
            “Hmm,” Nels muttered under his breath as he sauntered up to Sam, examining him closely.   He ran his hands over the young man’s chest and stared at him as he cowered from the larger man. “How much?”
            “I was thinking a hundred grand. ”
            “No way. He’s cute but he’s not Matt,” Nels whined. “I’ll give you fifty. ”
            “Make it seventy and it’s a deal. ”
            “Virgin meat, Nels. ”
            “Oh, hell!” He turned from the boy and stared at Danny. “Seventy and I get to play with Matt again. ”
            “Okay, but this time I’m not tying him down. ”
            “That just makes it more fun,” Nels said with a smirk and a wink.
            “Let’s go eat,” Danny suggested.

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   “I’m starving. ”
            “Fine,” Kade agreed. “But I’m bringing my new toy. ”
            He ran his hand up Beth’s side to firmly grasp her tit in his hand. She squirmed under his attentions, trying futilely to escape him. He laughed harshly and squeezed harder.
            “Do you plan on sharing?” Nels asked.
            “Maybe,” Kade replied. “But you’ll have to wait until I get done. ”
            Kade reached up and unhooked her lead chain from the ring in the wall. He tugged on the chain, forcing her to follow him. He led her upstairs to the dining room where they all sat around the table. Kade forced Beth to kneel on the floor in front of him. He borrowed some rope from Danny and tied her arms together behind her back. He tied her left wrist to her right elbow and her right wrist to her left elbow, forcing her to stick her chest out.

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   He continually played with her tits while they ate and talked. When they finished their meal their attention turned to Kade’s captive.
            “Danny, you wouldn’t happen to have something more appropriate for the little slut to wear would you?” Kade asked.
            “I’m sure we could find something,” Danny replied. “Let’s go look. ”
            He led the others to the bedroom they had used the night of Angie’s party and opened a large walk-in closet.
            “Use whatever you see that you like,” he told Kade. Opening drawers in one wall of the closet he added, “There are hose and underwear over here if you’re interested. ”
            Kade strode around the closet pulling Beth behind him picking various objects from the racks and drawers. When he was finished he led her back to the bedroom. He laid his cache of clothing on the bed and indicated that the other men should sit down for the show. He sat down on the edge of the bed and stared at Beth.
            “Okay, bitch, entertain us. Strip. ”
            She slowly shook her head and tried to back away from the men.

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   The chain only allowed her to go a few feet. Kade jerked hard on the chain, causing her to stumble forward.
            “Oh, that’s right,” he grinned maliciously. “You can’t until I untie you. ”
            He yanked on the chain again and slowly pulled her toward him. When she was within reach he grabbed a belt loop on her shorts and pulled her forward, between his legs. He wrapped his legs around her and held her against him as he cut the ropes binding her arms. Then he leaned back and shoved her away from him, making sure he had a strong grip on the end of the lead chain.
            “Now, strip. ”
            She shook her head and mumbled around her gag.
            “Either you take the clothes off or I’ll do it for you. If I have to do it, you’ll be punished. Now, strip!”
            She kicked her shoes off then brought shaking hands to the buttons of her shirt and started to undo them. After several minutes she managed to get her shirt unbuttoned and slowly shrugged it off her shoulders, her long red hair fluttering as the shirt dropped to the floor. Tears streamed down her face as she struggled to undo the button on her shorts.

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   She finally managed to get it unfastened then she ran the zipper down and carefully lowered the shorts to the floor and gingerly stepped out of them. Visibly shaking she looked up at her captors, hoping that was enough to please them.
            “Keep going,” Kade ordered.
            She bent down and pulled her socks off, tossing them with the rest of her discarded clothing. She stood up and dropped her head. Slowly she reached behind her and unclasped her bra, pulling it forward she let it fall to the ground, trying to cover herself with her arms.
            “You’re not done yet,” Kade reminded her.
            She sobbed as she slid her panties down over her slim hips, her breasts bouncing as she bent forward. She stepped out of the panties and dropped them to the floor. Standing back up she sobbed and tried to cover herself with her hands.
            “Put your arms down to your sides, bitch!” Kade ordered. “We want to look at you. ”
            She slowly lowered her hands and dropped her head, sobbing into her gag. Kade got to his feet and stepped forward toward her. He grabbed her right tit and pinched the nipple hard, drawing a scream from her.

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            “Don’t ever try to hide from any of us again, bitch. I own you now. You will do what I say when I say or you will be punished. Don’t ever forget that. ” He stared at her for several seconds then finally released his hold on her. “You stink. Get in the shower and get cleaned up. You have fifteen minutes. ”
            He yanked the gag from around her head and shoved her toward the bathroom then sat back down on the bed, tossing the gag aside. When she disappeared inside the bathroom he turned to look over a Danny.
            “Man, you did good. She’s a hot little bitch. ”
            “Why don’t I go get the other two while we wait for her? We can watch them strip and play with them a little while she showers. ”
            “Sounds good to me,” Kade replied.
            “I’ll come with you and you can let me see Matt,” Nels offered.

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            “Nels, I told you, Matt isn’t available tonight. He’s being punished. ”
            “I know. I just want to see him. I won’t interfere. ” When Danny didn’t answer, just stared at his friend, Nels whined, “He makes me hard just looking at him. ”
            “You baby. ” Danny shook his head as he got to his feet. “Fine, we’ll get the other two and then stop by and see Matt on the way back here. ”
            Nels smiled happily as he followed Danny from the room. Kade shook his head and leaned back on his elbows on the bead, waiting for their return. Danny and Nels strode into the dungeon drawing Amanda’s and Sam’s attention.
            “We decided it wasn’t fair for the two of you to miss out on all the fun. We want you to join the party,” Danny quipped as he lifted Amanda’s lead chain from the ring in the wall.
            Nels strode forward and lifted Sam’s lead chain from the ring on his wall.


   The two men then turned and led their captives from the room. Danny led the way back upstairs. He led Nels and the two captives to the kennels. Before he entered the room he turned to Amanda and smiled.
            “You’ll eventually be moving in here. This is the slave kennels,” he told her.
            He opened the door and the four of them stepped inside. When Nels saw Matt chained to the wall with his prick and balls tied with weights he shoved Sam’s lead chain into Danny’s hand and rushed forward. He ran his hands over Matt’s bare chest and gingerly cupped the other man’s bound genitals.
            “What did you do to deserve this?” Nels cried. “You must have been a really bad boy. ”
            Matt grunted and groaned as Nels handled his bound nuts.
            “Try to behave. Please? I really want to spend some time with you and if you keep getting into trouble so Danny’s always having to punish you, we’ll never have any time together. ”
            “Yeah, right,” Matt panted.

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            Nels patted Matt’s cheek then leaned forward and kissed him before turning back to Danny. He took Sam’s lead chain back and led the boy through the door into the hallway. When they had all left the kennel Amanda and Sam exchanged a horrified look.
            “So, what did he do?”
            Danny glanced back over his shoulder at Amanda. He tugged her lead chain, pulling her closer so he could grab a handful of her long dark curls.
            “He tried to warn my newest acquisition against me. ”
            “What?” Nels was shocked at such a suggestion.
            “He tried to get her to run away from me. ” Danny looked over at Nels. “The little prick has been nothing but trouble since the day I took him. I’m really beginning to wonder if he’s worth the effort. ”
            “If you want to get rid of him, just let me know. I’d be happy to take him off your hands,” Nels offered.
            “I know,” Danny replied. “He’d be impossible to control without Jenny though and I refuse to let her go.


            They entered the bedroom where Kade waited. Danny and Nels both joined Kade on the bed, leaving Amanda and Sam standing in the center of the room.
            “Well, who do we start with?” Danny asked.
            “Why don’t we start with your little bitch then let her undress him?” Kade suggested.
            “Oh, that sounds like fun,” Nels said with a gleeful giggle.
            Danny tugged on Amanda’s chain.
            “Okay, sweetheart, you heard the man. Strip. ”
            “No, please…,” she begged as she shook her head and tried to back away from them.
            Nels tugged on Sam’s chain.
            “You, sit down, boy. ”
            Sam fell to his knees then sat down on the floor, terrified. Amanda pulled frantically at the chain connected to the collar around her neck.
            “It isn’t coming off, pet,” Danny said softly. “You’re mine now.

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   Either you do what I tell you to or I punish you. ”
            He gave a hard jerk on the chain, yanking her forward. She almost fell before she caught her balance and stepped into the forward motion.
            “Strip. ”
            “Please, no, please…,” she begged, tears streaming.
            “Do it. If I have to come over there and do it for you , it won’t be pleasant. ”
            “No…,” she whispered.
            Danny got to his feet and started toward her, reeling in the chain in his hand as he went. He reached out and grabbed a handful of her wavy black hair. It fell to her waist so there was a lot to grab. He used his other hand, the one holding the chain, to rip her tee-shirt down the front. Then he stepped back from her and slapped her, open-handed, across the face.
            “Now, bitch, strip. ”
            She sobbed as she pulled her ruined tee-shirt out of her shorts and dropped it to the floor.

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   She kicked off her shoes and pulled off her socks. Her hands shook as she undid the button on her shorts and lowered the zipper. She worked the shorts over her hips and lowered them to the floor. When she looked up Danny motioned to her to keep going.
            “Please, no more,” she whispered.
            “Don’t stop now, bitch,” Danny growled at her.
            “Don’t make me get up again,” he warned.
            She slowly reached around with shaking hands to unfasten her bra and shrug it off. She let it fall t the floor but tried in vain to cover herself while she slipped her panties off.
            “Put your hands down!” Danny ordered.
            She slowly dropped her hands to her sides.
            “Good. Now, slowly turn all the way around. ”
            She sobbed as she did as he instructed.
            “Good girl.

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   Now, Sam, your turn. Stand up. ”
            The young boy nervously stood up and waited for the inevitable orders.
            “Face each other,” Danny ordered.
            They two young people turned to face one another.
            “Sam, this is your chance,” Danny teased. “Go for it, boy. Reach out there and grab those luscious tits. ”
            Sam stood stock still, shocked. He didn’t know what he was supposed to do. Were they serious?” Could he really touch Amanda?
            “Do it!”
            He jumped when Danny yelled at him. Slowly, he lifted his arms and stretched tentative hands toward Amanda’s exposed breasts. Her eyes were squeezed tightly shut, tears streaming down her face. She flinched when his fingers curled around her nipples.
            “Doesn’t that feel good, boy?”
            “Yes sir,” Sam whispered.

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            “Hang on,” Kade said. “I need to go get my little bitch. She should be done by now. ”
            He quickly strode across the bedroom to the bathroom and went inside. He found Beth cowering in a corner. He grabbed her arm and pulled her back into the bedroom. He resumed his seat on the bed and pulled her onto his lap.
            “Why don’t you just sit here and watch the show with us, alright?”
            “Sam,” Danny said conspiratorially, “Slip your right hand down between her legs and feel her pussy. That’ll feel really nice. ”            Sam did as he was told and released a low moan.
            “Like that?” Danny asked.
            “Yes sir. ”
            “Feels good, doesn’t it?”
            “Yes sir. ”
            After a few minutes Danny smiled at the boy.
            “That’s enough, Sam.

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   Put your hands down. ”
            Sam silently obeyed and dropped his hands to his sides.
            “Amanda, take Sam’s shirt off for him,” Danny ordered.
            She glanced sideways at Danny, gulped for air then reached tentatively toward Sam. She slowly pulled Sam’s tee-shirt out of his jeans and lifted it over his head. He raised his arms to help her. She dropped the shirt to the floor once she removed it from Sam’s body.
            “Good girl,” Danny purred. “Sam, kick your shoes off. ”
            Sam did as he was told, kicking his shoes off and pushing them to the side.
            “Thank you. Now, Amanda, take Sam’s pants off of him. ”
            “Pllleeeaaaasssssssee. . .

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  ,” she begged, squeezing her eyes shut.
            “Do it, bitch!”
            She held shaking hands out toward the button on Sam’s jeans. She was shaking so badly she couldn’t even get hold of the button at first. Finally, she managed to open the button then she went to work on the zipper. When she had his pants open she tried to pull them down without touching his body. Sam stepped backwards to step out of the pants once she had them down around his ankles.
            “You’re doing very good, Amanda, Sam. Now take his socks off. ”
            Sam had to hold onto to Amanda’s bare shoulders for balance as he lifted each foot for her to remove his socks. She sobbed and sniffled constantly.
            “Good. You’re almost done. Now, take his underwear off and you’re finished. ”
            “Gooooddddd, “Take his underwear off, Amanda. ”
            “I c-c-can’t…”
            “Do it, bitch.

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            She sobbed as she reached for the waistband of Sam’s briefs. She tugged at them and slowly pulled them down his legs. His penis stood erect when it was freed from the underwear, drawing laughs from the three men watching the teenagers’ ordeal. Amanda squatted down to pull the briefs down around Sam’s ankles. He stepped out of them and she tossed them aside as she started to stand.
            “Stay down there, bitch. ”
            She returned to her squatted position in front of Sam.
            “Now’s your chance to learn how to suck a dick. He’s already hard for you and everything. ”
            “N-nooo,” she whined.
            Danny jumped to his feet and strode over to stand next to the two teenagers. He grabbed a handful of Amanda’s long, dark hair and jerked her head back causing her to cry out in pain. He quickly shoved her open mouth over Sam’s erect dick.
            “Now, suck him and don’t you dare bite him either. ” He looked over at Sam.

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   “She bites you, boy, you let me know. ”
            “Yes sir. ”
            Danny looked back down at Amanda and saw she wasn’t following his instructions. He reached down and squeezed her left nipple hard, pressing her head against Sam’s groin.
            “I said suck him. Now do it!”
            He moved his hand to pinch her nose closed. Within just a few minutes her mouth started to work over Sam’s engorged tool.
            “Oh!” Sam cried in surprise. “Oh, g-g-god!”
            He quickly exploded in Amanda’s mouth. Danny held her head so she couldn’t pull away.
            “Swallow it down, bitch. ”
            She quickly swallowed the cum in her mouth and Danny released her head.
            “You ever have a blowjob before, boy?” Danny asked as he retreated to his seat.
            “No sir. ”
            “Didn’t think so,” Danny replied.


   “Go take a shower, boy. ”
            He crooked his finger at Amanda. “Get your little butt over here, girl. ”
            She climbed to her feet and timidly approached him. He grabbed her around the waist and pulled her onto his lap so she was straddling him.
            “Don’t you ever argue with me, bitch. And don’t you ever refuse me. When I tell you to do something, you damn well better do it. Do you understand me?”
            “Yes sir. ”
            “No! You call me Master. You got it?”
            “Yes si – Yes, Master. ”
            “Good. ” He turned to look over at Kade. “Your turn. ”
            Kade shoved Beth off of his lap and tossed a pair of black stockings to her.

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            “Put those on. ”
            She glanced around her and then sat down on the floor and slowly pulled the stockings on, smoothing them out as she went. When she had them on she pulled her legs up against her chest and stared at the men. Kade tossed her a green lace garter belt.
            “Put it on. ”
            She slid it onto her left leg. He tossed her a black silk mini skirt that flared out at the bottom.
            “Put it on. ”
            She stood up and slipped the skirt on. It fell just below her pussy in front and right to the bottom of her hips in back. He tossed her a green top.
            “Put it on. ”
            She stared at the tiny bit of material then slipped it on. It was a halter style top that had a strap around her back and a strap around her neck. The rest of the back was open.


   It was cut clear down the front to where the strip that ran around the back came around the front. Only the tiniest bit of material covered her breasts and it left her midriff exposed. He tossed a pair of green four inch spiked heels at her.
            “Put them on. ”
            She cautiously slipped the shoes on then stood before the men in her tiny little black and green outfit.
            “You look good, Beth,” Danny commented. “The green goes with your eyes. ”
            “Thank the man, bitch,” Kade growled at her when she didn’t respond.
            “Thank you,” she whispered.
            “Thank you, what?” Kade jerked on her lead chain pulling her forward causing her to stumble and fall onto her knees.
            “Thank you, sir,” she whispered.
            He yanked again. “Try again, bitch. ”
            “Thank you, Master. ”
            “Remember that word, bitch.

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   You’ll be using it a lot. ”
            Sam suddenly appeared in the bedroom with a towel draped around his waist.
            “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Nels shouted at him.
            He stopped in mid step and stared in shock at the three men.
            “Get over here,” Nels ordered.
            Sam nervously approached the tall, dark man and stood silently in front of him.
            “Did any of us give you permission to cover yourself?” Nels asked harshly.
            “No sir,” Sam whispered.
            “No, what?”
            “No, Master?”
            “That’s better. ” Nels reached out and grabbed the towel, jerking it from around Sam’s thin waist. “On your knees, boy. ”
            Sam silently knelt next to Nels.
            “At least you’re a quick learner,” Nels quipped as he reattached the lead chain to Sam’s collar.
            Danny released the lead chain from Amanda’s collar and shoved her from his lap.
            “Go take a shower, pet.

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   Then get your butt back out here. ”
            She hurried from the room as Kade reeled in Beth’s leash pulling her to him.
            “Nels, why don’t you see if there’s anything in the closet for Sammy. ”
            Nels strode across the room and rummaged around in the closet for several seconds finally returning with a tiny bit of material in his fisted hand. He threw the material at Sam.
            “Since you were audacious enough to try to cover yourself that’s all you’re getting. Put it on. ”
            Sam pulled on a tiny g-string which consisted of a tiny pouch for his prick and balls and a thin string holding it all together in place. Nels returned to his seat on the bed and glared at Sam. He yanked on the boy’s lead chain.
            “Sit,” he ordered.
            Sam slumped down in the floor next to the bed.
            “Amanda!” Danny called. “Get your ass out here!”
            When he received no answer and she didn’t appear, he jumped from his seat and headed toward the bathroom.
            “Damn it, bitch, you’ve had enough time.

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He jerked the bathroom door open and saw her huddled in a corner of the room, a towel wrapped around her, tears streaming down her face. He stepped into the bathroom and leaned over to grab her arms. He pulled her roughly to her feet and yanked the towel away from her, shoving her toward the door.
“Get your ass out there. ”
He followed her into the bedroom and reattached the lead chain to her collar. Then he pulled her along as he searched through the closet. He shoved various pieces of clothing into her arms, ordering her to hold them. When he was finished he pulled her back into the bedroom.
“Now, dress for us. ”
She laid the clothing in the floor next to her and pulled on a pair of black fishnet stockings, carefully smoothing them up her legs. She pulled on a bright blue garter belt then slid a tiny bright blue leather mini skirt up over her slender hips. She carefully zipped the skirt into place and smoothed down the front of it. She then pulled on a tiny matching sleeveless sweater that barely covered her breasts. It had a deep V front that almost reached the bottom of the sweater. Finally, she stepped into the bright blue six inch stilettos that he had selected and tried to ignore the whistles from the men on the bed.

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“Very nice, Danny. I think I’m jealous,” Kade said softly.
“Sorry, buddy, we aren’t trading. Amanda is mine. ”
He yanked on her lead chain, pulling her forward. He slowly reeled the chain in until she was standing just inches from him. His hands snaked out to wrap around her thin waist and he pulled her down onto his lap.
“I think we should get this party started,” Danny said just before he pressed his lips against Amanda’s.
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