The South Marlin Circle Bondage Club Chapter 24


Now that Steven wasn't financially reliant on his parents anymore,he and Haruko decided he would move in with her family. That way, hecould serve her 24/7 until he went to college and he would be awayfrom his parents, who wouldn't approve of his attempts to look andact like a girl. He put off moving in with her until the day afterthe swim meet, ostensibly so he would have a chance to get rid ofthe effects he wouldn't need anymore and to give Haruko a chance todecide how she was going to accommodate him being there and thethings he would need to have, including his guitars, pedal board,amps and books.

On Valentine's Day, he brought in a masseuse to give her aprofessional massage and took her to a very high priced restaurant. He then said he was taking her shopping the next day, where she hada good old time picking up some new stylish duds and shoes. Shereally liked the effort he was putting out to pamper her. Also, thecore exercises and running had really flattened his stomach and madehis legs look less bulky. He still needed to grow his hair out somemore, but he was becoming more believable as a female by the day. She had him fuck her, which capped off a perfect couple of days forboth of them.

However, that party was broken up by his having to take his SAT'sthat weekend. Steven scored a 1470. "These things are such a scam,"he complained, "but schools still seem impressed by them, so wegotta take 'em, I guess. ". The recommendation letters he had askedto be written for both him and Haruko were beginning to come in,too, and the names on those letters were pretty impressive. It wasactually a little bit of a sad process for Haruko because it waslikely that they were going to be separated for long stretches oftime unless he got into Cal Tech, a very exclusive school where evensomeone with Steven's gifts didn't know if he was going to beadmitted. She still had a whole year of high school left, too, andthe thought of enduring that bullshit without him made her nervous.

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  She resolved to try to enjoy every moment with him and held himtighter when they were in bed together and hugged and kissed himmore when they were outside.

Two weeks later, it was March 6th. Alan Perlis chartered a bus sinceso many people wanted to go see Arisa swim and they headed off toMission Viejo. Arisa, who would be swimming the 400 meter freestyleand 200 meter butterfly, was fully jacked that the entireneighborhood was making this into a celebratory event. As she stoodon the platform for her lane, everybody's stomach was in a knothoping Arisa would do well. Cecil was fidgeting like mad. Finally,she stood on the platform and then the report of the gun. This wasonly a qualifying race, though, so God only knew what kind of stateCecil was going to be in if Arisa made it to the final. She finishedfirst in her heat for the butterfly, much to everyone's relief. Rhequalifier for the freestyle was an hour later and, again toeveryone's relief, she finished first in that heat. Arisa reallydidn't want to let anyone down and there was another heat to comebefore the final. She barely finished in the top three to move on tothe 200 meter butterfly final, as the fatigue was beginning to setin. She also survivedthe final heat for the 400 meter freestyle and now they had to waitanother two hours before the final in the butterfly.  

With her Master as well as the rest of the neighborhood there, Arisaso wanted to impress them and make them happy. Making people happyis what she liked to do.

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   The two hours seemed to only drip by, butfinally, the 200 butterfly title for the meet was now up for grabs. Arisa mounted the platform in lane six. The starter's gun fired andoff she went, fighting the turbulence that occurs in the wings ofthe pool. After the first 100 meters, she was even with the leaders and at 150 meters she was second, but ahead of the third placeswimmer by a head. Now it was time to turn and burn for home. Shereached down for everything she had, but lost by half a body,finishing second by a couple of hundredths over the third placecontestant.

Now she was going to have to find some reserve of energy and keepher muscles warm to swim nearly a quarter of a mile within an hour. The minutes ticked by and everybody was giddy as they talked tryingto somehow work off their nervous energy with their mouths. This wasArisa's best event and it was just dive into the pool and then swimlike a bat out of hell. The final for the 100 meter backstrokefinished and now it was Arisa's turn to try to grab some temporarysupremacy. Her long black hair tucked under her cap and her swimsuithugging her tapered body like a second skin, she stood atop theplatform with the South Marlin Circle contingent chanting her name. The starter's gun echoed in the concrete arena as Arisa sliced intothe water like a human torpedo and after 100 meters she had ashoulder length lead and then widened that in the second hundredmeters to half a body. When she did the flip turn for the bell lap,she was up by a full body length. However, she began to fade as theother swimmers found their second wind and her lead was just aboutgone when they hit the final ten meters. She desperately fought tohang on and and won by two one-hundredths of a second.

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   Arisa's momwas crying and Cecil was yelling, "yes! yes!" at the top of hislungs while her fellow neighborhood inhabitants hugged each other.

Half an hour later, Arisa emerged out of the locker room afterdrying her hair and changing into her street clothes with her medalsaround her neck and was swallowed up by hugs from her friends. "I'msorry I didn't win the butterfly Master," she told Cecil. "Me lady,your valiant effort proved a tremendous example to one and all. "Cecil put her on  his shoulders as they made their way to the bus. "I'll give you a nice massage after the party my darling," Ceciltold her. "God Master, you're so kind to me. " "A woman of yourquality deserves a good pampering on occasion,"  he rejoindered.

When they returned home, Mr. and Mrs. Westfield and the catererswere busy finalizing everything. When they got off the bus, Harukoand Steven headed back to her house. He raised his hand. She ignoredit. The plan was for Haruko to get Steven ready and take her timewith it so that Arisa could have some attention whore time from theneighborhood and then they would walk in for the collaring ceremony.

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  Haruko had him put on a white sundress with white stockings, whitepumps plus a lacy white bra and panty set. She meticulously watchedhim do his makeup and brushed his curly hair, which was now downpast his shoulders. She attired herself in a black leather dress,black thigh high stockings, a black corset and red platform shoes. When the time was right and she had already phoned ahead to warneverybody they were coming, they began the short walk to theSoramino's house, where the party was being held. When they walkedin, everybody was sitting on the living room floor and Alan Perliswas standing in front of a makeshift altar.

"All will rise," Alan announced as Haruko brought Steven directly infront of him and told her slave to kneel. "Steven Charles Morris, you havebeen summoned before the board and general membership of the SouthMarlin Circle Bondage Club tonight to mark your lifetimeenslavement to your Mistress, Haruko Wendy Eklund. Mistress Haruko,you will inform the membership of your rationale for honoring Stevenwith your collar. "

"President Perlis and ladies and gentlemen of the South MarlinCircle Bondage Club, honorary members and esteemed guests: LastSeptember,  I was blessed by the entrance into my life of this man,Steven Charles Morris, who has made me realize so much about myselfand opened an entirely new chapter of my life. In faithfully servingme, he has tolerated, no, actively celebrated, the capricious whimsof his Mistress and taken great joy in ensuring her happiness. Therefore, should the board so indulge me, I bestow unto you StevenCharles Morris this collar as a sign of your permanent servitude tome. I also pledge to care for and protect you. Do you accept mycollar  and submit yourself under my hand for as long as you shalllive?" "Yes Mistress. Thank you Mistress. " She took the collar shehad left with Alan off the altar and placed it around Steven's neck,closing the clasp to symbolically finalize her hold over him.


   "Master Alan, doesthe board and the membership approve of my taking forever thisslave?"

"All those who approve say yes," Alan pronounced. Everyone raisedtheir hands. "Mistress Haruko, on behalf of all of our greatmembership your motion is carried unanimously and Steven CharlesMorris is now your bonded and collared slave. The board sincerelyhopes that he will carry his duties out with dignity and a gladheart and warns his Mistress that she will also display thenecessary dignity and self control as well as judiciously care forhis property lest she lose her right to leadership. Do you understandSteven?" "Yes Master Alan. Thank you Master Alan. " "Mistress Haruko,do you understand your responsibilities in having this life sogranted to you?" "Yes Master Alan. Thank you Master Alan. Thank youeveryone. "

"Now Mistress Haruko, Steven has some words to say to you and he mayrise to make his remarks. " Haruko, who had thought that the ceremonywas already over, was nonplussed at this. "Thank you Master Alan. "Alan backpalmed something to Steven so that Haruko couldn't see whatit was. "Ladies and gentlemen, Mistress Haruko has not only endedwhat was largely a solitary life for me, but she has also cultivated a partof my character I had kept suppressed over the years and it hasresulted in greater happiness and peace for me. She has beennothing but supportive of me and her combination of overwhelmingbeauty and her generous love has brought me to you today to ask thisquestion.

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  " With that, Steven revealed the box containing the ringfrom behind his back out and dropped to one knee. "Mistress Haruko,will you do me the great honor of marrying me?"  She squealed andstarted crying. "Yes Steven, I will! Thank you so much!" she utteredthrough the tears and he slipped the bauble on to her lefthand ringfinger. All the women in the crowd, who had experienced a widevariety of emotions during the day, just lost it.

"Okay everyone, Alan intoned," the buffet is open!" The firstimpulse, though, was to mob Steven and Haruko. When Arisa got toher, Haruko began crying again, telling her how great she was at herswim meet, which caused Arisa to begin tearing up once more sinceshe had said that to her at what became Haruko's engagement partyand Steven's collaring ceremony.

When they were back at Haruko's, they both got naked and laid in bed. "So were you surprised by the collaring ceremony?" she wanted to know. "It totally blindsided me Mistress. I didn't know what it was even afterseeing the altar. I thought it was part of Arisa's house. But it feltso amazing to commit myself to you like that. This collar reminds me ofyou in a very real way every minute I have it on," he posited. "So wasMistress surprised by my proposal?" "Did you see the way I reacted? Ifelt like I had gotten a crowbar over the head, I was that stunned. Butit felt so good to know you want me that much.

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   It is one thing to talkabout it and another thing to make the actual commitment. "

"So what do you want to do about the marriage Mistress? We're alreadypretty much financially secure, but we both also need to go throughcollege, too. " "Yeah, I definitely want to experience college, too, and Iwould really like to see you get your Phd because if you don't you willalways feel like your life was somehow incomplete. " "Well, if I getinto Cal Tech, we can find an apartment in between there and UCLA andlive together. Until you graduate high school, though, I'll just commuteto there from here. " "God, that's going to be brutal Stephanie. " "Well,it's annoying, but then again, there are a lot of people who deal with alot worse on a daily basis, so I'll just have to cope with it and getthrough it the best I can. " "God, I'm going to miss not having you therewith me at school. " "Yeah, I'll feel weird not serving you most of theday. But please be patient. Who knows, if I really stumble on tosomething I might be a millionaire before I'm 30 and we can spend therest of our lives just raising our kids together and enjoying life. Bythe way, do you want to stay in this neighborhood?" "Yeah, I think thatwould be best. I like the values of the people here and the support thekids and the families give each other. I hope that can continue. " "Iagree.

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   I know a lot of the other girls want to raise their families hereand that's reassuring. " "That's great. It's been a pretty memorablelast six months, hasn't it?" "Oh God, that's an understatement!"

Steven climbed on top of her with no prompting and slipped his cock intoher. He looked down on her and kissed her softly. "I didn't say youcould do that, Stephanie," she smiled. "That's true, but it's what youwanted, isn't it?" "Yeah. " she giggled. He held her with his dick burieddeep inside her love chamber and stroked her face tenderly. Theyexchanged kisses for the next few minutes as his cock was lodged betweenher soft, wet walls. He pulled out of her and began lapping at herpussy and, over the ensuing hour, provoked her clit to spasm its orgasmsthrough her a dozen times. When his jaw became sore, he climbed back ontop of her and reinserted his cock. "God, I can hardly wait for when Ican impregnate you, Mistress. That will be such a glorious occasion," hedreamed. "God, I want that so much right now. The thought makes me sohot.

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  " "You're going to be absolutely beautiful pregnant. " "Yeah, I justhope it doesn't turn me into a huge bitch and drive you away. " "Well,it's my job to accommodate you and I signed up for it willingly, so I'lljust have to deal with it because I know it will be the hormonalchanges talking and not you yourself. "

"About tomorrow," she said, changing the subject. We're going to go toMs. McMullen's and then you're going to start moving in, right?" "YesMistress. The thought of spending every night with you makes me sohappy, you have no idea. " "I feel the same way, Stephanie. To have youhold me every night and to be able to smooch you anytime, God, life isgood. " "Yes Mistress, but let's not ever take it for granted. We'll justtake it one day by one day and love each other like tomorrow anasteroid will hit the earth. " "They say that the marriages that last thelongest are those in which the man does what the woman wants, so you'vegot a head start on that," Haruko giggled. "No use fighting reality,"he chuckled.