My life turned around in a day - a true story.


First, I would like to say I have never believed myself to be a lucky man. I have been in the right places at the right time but never a particularly lucky man. I am writing this story because I cannot believe it happened to me, and because other people deserve to read it. It is an account of my life, the way I have seen it. It covers a few of my teenage years, mainly from 15-17. I hope sincerely you enjoy it, I know I did.
When I turned 14 quite a few things happened in my life. The first thing that happened is I became an orphan. At the time it was a horrible experience, and you can see why I don't think of myself as lucky. However it is not as horrifying as a lot of people make it out to seem, as terrible as this sounds, you get over it. Each in their own time, I took a year. For that year I lived with my aunt, just out of Adelaide, Australia. If any of my readers are familiar with South Australia, for your sake, I lived 200 odd kilometers out of Adelaide in Laura, a typical country town.
This year is largely un-important, although a few things did happen to change my life and lead me to where I stand today.
First, after my mothers death (I don't really want to go into details but my Father lived away from my family since I was 5, and I opted not to live with him when my Mum died, considering myself an orphan) I stopped eating. Now before she died I must have weighed close to 100kg.

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   Not sure what that is in pounds but (I think 1kg = 2 pounds roughly) it's moving towards 200 pounds. To tell the truth I was too scared to weigh myself, so I never knew. But when I moved to my Aunts I stopped eating, had to walk more than I did in Adelaide and certainly lost weight. At the moment I weigh 72kg, I am still fat, but then I am also 6' 3" (or 6 foot 3 inches in case I got them symbols wrong) With a wide frame, so I hold fat quite well, and I don't look particularly overweight at the moment at all.
The second thing that happened to me is I got a girlfriend. All my life I had been to Christian schools, my family being more middle class than lower class they could afford to send me to a public school. And at Christian schools I guess most of the girls were middle class as well, all thinking they could do better than a fat boy with pimples (yes I also had pimples back when I was 14). Well when I moved I started to lose weight, and a marvelous thing happened, a girl asked me out, yes a girl asked ME! Well first thing I did was blow my weekly earnings taking her out to movies (being in the country the closest this came to was the drive in theatre in Gladstone, where the owner would let me use the projector as long as I played him for it. ) Feeding her and buying her clothes. Damn I wish I hadn't done all that. Of course fat boy gets first girlfriend, fat boy doesn’t want to lose girlfriend so fat boy showers her with gifts to keep girlfriend. I wish I had saved up that money I was earning at the local supermarket, you'll realize why in a second.
Well, my Aunt wasn't the nicest person to share a one bedroom (I slept on the couch for a year, terrible back problems - don't try it) house with, and by the end of the year I was very ready to move out. Well by that time I was 15, and figuring the government had been taking so much money in taxes the pad year maybe they could afford to give some back. So I caught a bus to a place called Port Peire (for those that actually know what the hell I’m talking about) and spoke to the people at Centre link (place where you get the doll).

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   And sure enough plenty of people didn’t like living at home after 15, moved out and got youth support from centre link, with a few catches. I gave myself 2 months to sort out school (finish the term) break up with Sarah (she didn’t even cry. . . ) quit my job and tell my Aunt I was moving.
By the February I had a small apartment in Adelaide (Mile End) working part time at a Bi-Lo supermarket (don't get a job there the benefits suck) and going to my old school.
Unfortunately Private schools + Renting Apartments don’t mix, and by a month I was faced with either going to Adelaide High (looks like a good school but didn't really appeal to me) or moving houses, which might mean I would need a new school anyway. Well, just that week I happened to be in the right place at the right time, and over heard one of the girls at school saying her mum was low on cash because her Dad was working oversees and he was only getting paid every 3 months. Don't ask me why I never asked, but thinking back it sounds a bit weird, guess he worked on ships or something, I never saw him myself.
Well of course I asked her about it; no-one at school knew I lived by myself; I didn’t need people to pity me. She gave me her Mums phone number and my problems were solved. I was to rent a room, food paid for, I was allowed to use the furniture and electronics they had there (that was really hard to word, I mean stuff like TV, Computer, they supplied a bed for me, wardrobe etc. So I sold what I had in my other apartment (not very much I can tell you) and in almost no time at all I had moved up to live in Blackwood.
I got a new job closer to my new home, and that, my friends, is where my life turned around.
(sorry for the long intro, but I am treating this as an account of my life, and this is how it happened, for me to just tell the next part, I think, would leave this as just an erotic story for people to jerk themselves too, this way maybe people will read this and be inspired in someway, I know I’ve been inspired by some of the stories I’ve read on sites like this one.

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Feel free to re-post this, as long as i am givin due credit, and i hope you enjoyed the first part of my story. This is purely setting the scene the next story has the sex scene in it. I have already written it and sent ti in at the same time i posted this story. It should be posted already. Trozeg@hotmail. com for feedback, thankyou.