


Suzanne was running for her life through muddy fields and coarse bushes, attempting to evade the sniper who was on her tail. She’d been grounded by one of their anti aircraft missiles, and her parachute was kind enough to tangle itself into a tree so that she had to cut herself down. From her vantage point in the tree she didn’t miss the rather large welcome party who were speeding their way towards her.
He was fast, and he was a good shot. From the shot that had come near to her, it looked as if he was aiming to wound her rather than kill. Some consolation at least, although she certainly didn’t want to find out what he would do to her if he caught her. She rounded a corner to find some trees in the distance that would provide better cover, if she could get to them. She ran for it, using the small rocks for cover as best as she could. She reached the trees safely and continued running for several minutes before sinking to her knees to rest.
After a couple of minutes, Suzanne thought it best to move on. She quietly got to her feet, scanning the trees ahead for the best route out of the forest. Her heart skipped a beat as her eyes met those of her pursuer; he was crouched in the trees no more than twenty feet away from her. She panicked and ran, attempting to get a head start before he could get up. Too slow, too slow, too slow! her brain chanted as she stumbled on the uneven ground. Her sniper, used to this land, had no such trouble. He seemed to have decided that he was too close to use his gun in such dense forest.

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   Or he was just enjoying the chase… either way, at least she wasn’t getting shot at.
Suzanne didn’t spare a moment to look behind herself, but she knew he was close; she could hear his breathing as he ran along behind her. He laughed as he saw her stumble, but he didn’t catch her. He was playing with her, enjoying the chase. Bastard. He said something to her as he ran along behind. Her Bosnian wasn’t too good, but she was pretty sure that what she heard was definitely against the Geneva Convention. Her face burned in embarrassment as she heard him mention something about enjoying the view and almost not wanting to catch her.
She reached the top of a small hill within the woods and cried out in shock as she realised that the ground dropped out from under her feet for several metres, and she didn’t have any hope of stopping in time. She fell through the air and landed back on the forest floor with a thud. Winded, she tried to roll over and get back to her feet, but she was dragged backwards and flipped onto her back again. Caught. Shit.
Sasha was glowing with the thrill of the chase, but he kept his expression brutal. The woman was still trying to get away, and aimed a kick at his shin while attempting to punch him in the face.

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   She was impressive; she connected both of her hits before he was able to evade. Not a problem; she was fast but she couldn’t hit as hard as his bones were used to. He grabbed her wrists and held her still, growled in her ear for her to lie still. She either didn’t understand him or she was ignoring him. It didn’t matter either way, he still needed her to stop. He slapped her hard, and then backhanded her as well, but she only redoubled her efforts to escape. She was screaming what he could only assume were insults at him as she continued to kick.
“Get off me you murdering bastard!” Suzanne screamed as she tried to free herself from the sniper’s grip. She felt sick after he hit her; he was incredibly strong, but she wasn’t going to let him see that he had hurt her. He seemed to lose his temper, and screamed “Shut up!” at her in Bosnian. She stopped screaming, but wrestled her arms free and rolled on top of him, continuing her attempts to punch him in the face.
Sasha had had enough by now. He could have shot the woman easily, but his commanding officer wanted her for questioning. He’d been given specific instructions to deliver her alive and as unharmed as possible. He dragged himself back on top of her, and decided to threaten her in a different way.

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   He yanked her legs apart, and moved on top of her so that his groin was digging in to hers, then dragged her hands above her head and held her down. She groaned in fear as he held her face level with his, and shouted at her to shut up again. She obeyed.
The threat was unmistakable, regardless of which language they were speaking. Any further aggression on her part would be met with sexual assault on his. He was slowly grinding his hips into hers and she groaned in disgust as she felt her body start to lubricate itself for him. She writhed against him, trying to break free of his hold on her. It didn’t work. He let go of her face and slid his palm over her breasts and squeezed until she screamed in anger.
They fought for several minutes, until eventually Sasha had the woman lying still on the ground. She was brave, but she did not want to be raped. Their fight had aroused him immensely and he continued to dry hump her for a couple of minutes, while whispering into her ear softly. He knew that she understood at least some of his language, so he decided to talk dirty to her until he got a reaction.
Suzanne groaned softly as the sniper continued his assault on her, grinding into her while holding her down and whispering into her ear. He was saying that he was going to fuck her and that he was looking forward to hearing her scream as he came inside her.

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   He went on to say that she was going to blow him until he collapsed and that she would be begging him for more by the end of the day. She moaned in fear and Sasha slid his hand back up to hold the woman’s head still, and then bent down and kissed her. She groaned against him as he continued his lazy assault on her mouth. He was rough, but he was also passionate and as sick as it was, it almost felt good.
The woman’s moans were causing Sasha to become even more turned on, and he slid his tongue against her mouth, probing for entry. To his surprise, she opened her mouth slowly, her body arching against him as his tongue started to explore. He moaned softly at that, pressing against her harder until he felt like he was going to explode.
Sasha swore softly as his radio bleeped. He had to tell his commanding officer that he’d caught the woman, and so they were up and on their feet in a matter of minutes. Suzanne felt dazed, and disgusted with herself for being so easy to manipulate. She scowled at the sniper as he looked down at her. He had tied her wrists together behind her back and was about to lead her off to god knows where. He noticed the scowl and grabbed her by the chin.
The sniper held Suzanne’s eyes level with his as he pulled her against him. With her arms behind her back she had no way of holding herself away from him.

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   As her body slid against his again a confusing wave of primitive emotion rushed through her; fear and anger and a small amount of arousal that scared her more than any threat of physical pain. He started to talk and the wave of emotion became a storm, threatening to overwhelm her.
“You’re very lucky that my commanding officer wants to speak with you,” he growled softly. “Otherwise I would have had so much fun with you, little girl. ” Suzanne didn’t understand everything he was saying, but she definitely got the gist. “For your own sake,” he went on,” I hope you can tell him what he wants to know. Otherwise, you’re going to suffer. He has people who are trained to cause pain without damaging your body, so that they can make you scream for days. They’ll hit you and fuck you until you can’t move anymore, until you stop screaming and you wish they would kill you. And if you still won’t tell him what he wants to know, he’ll throw you to the grunts and let them fuck you until you do. ”
Suzanne whimpered softly as the sniper talked. It wasn’t so much his words that scared her, but the burning arousal that was apparent in his eyes, his voice and his body. He wanted to hurt her, he wanted to hear her scream for him. Her eyes hardened in defiance; they could do whatever they wanted to her, she wasn’t going to beg. He smiled down at her nastily, he knew exactly how to wipe that look off her face.

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   He slowly lowered his face towards hers, stroked his mouth against hers gently. She moaned angrily and tried to twist her face away, but his grip was like iron. He deepened the kiss and continued his torture until Suzanne couldn’t hold back a tiny moan of arousal.
His point well and truly made, the sniper released Suzanne from his grip and then grabbed her by the arm, shoving her in the direction that they needed to go. He had his handgun in his hand, a gentle reminder that trying to run away would be a bad idea. It took only a few minutes to reach their base camp, and then he was disappointed to be parted from his prize.
Suzanne was relieved to find that she was taken away from the sniper and was brought for an audience with the man in charge, who thankfully spoke English.
“Why were you flying over this area?” the man asked. Suzanne replied that she was sightseeing. The man snorted, then warned her that she would suffer greatly if she didn’t cooperate. To that, Suzanne smiled sweetly and replied that she looked forward to it. He smiled at that, then motioned for the guards who had marched her in to pick her up. She was placed at the front of a small platform and tied to a beam in the ceiling so that her arms were above her head, and her toes only just touched the floor.
“I will ask you one more time,” the man in charge said. “What were you doing in my country?” Suzanne remained silent.

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   He snorted again, then motioned to someone standing in the shadows to one side. Suzanne heard someone walk towards her. “I believe you have already met Sasha?” he asked, and the man came in to view. The man from the woods. Shit, what were they going to do with him?
The man in charge motioned to Sasha, and Sasha stopped in front of Suzanne, a rather mean looking knife in hand. The platform that she was standing on had raised her so that she was at his height, and he stared into her eyes, smiling cruelly. He let the knife play across her cheek as he gauged her reactions.
“Sasha is very talented in the ways of causing physical pain,” the man in charge continued. “I strongly suggest that you cooperate with me, so that you can leave here with your body intact. ”
Sasha turned to the other man and spoke softly in a dialect that she couldn’t understand. The other man laughed and turned back towards Suzanne. “He wants me to stop asking you to cooperate,” he said. “He will be very disappointed to not have the opportunity to hear you scream for him. ”
“Well I would hate to disappoint him,” Suzanne replied. She had intended it to sound sarcastic but to her own disgust, her voice was shaking.

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   Her retort came out as more of a plead than an insult and Sasha smiled at that. He stroked his free hand into the hair at the nape of Suzanne’s neck, and held her head still. He slid his mouth to her ear and licked over her earlobe gently, started to suck. She gasped in response and had to bite her lip to stop a moan from escaping her mouth.
Oh god! Suzanne thought to herself. How does he manage to make me respond so easily? She tried to turn her head away, but his hand in her hair still held her still. He came up for air and took a small step backwards, looked her over slowly.
He was dirty, but then so was she. They had gotten spattered in mud during their fight earlier and it remained in his short hair, matting it down against his head. His hair and eyes were both a dark brown, and his features were strong and slightly rough in the way that was characteristic of these countries. He was a good six inches taller than her five foot eight, and he was well built without being bulky.
Suzanne knew that the normal reaction in these circumstances would be fear, and she was definitely afraid. But there was something about this man that her body was reacting to, and she was more afraid of that than of the pain she was going to receive. He stepped back towards her and slid his mouth against her ear again.
“Are you getting wet for me?” he whispered, his voice going gravelly.

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   It took Suzanne a couple of moments to decipher the meaning of the rather unfamiliar language. She blushed as she realised what he was saying and tried to turn her head away, but Sasha had slid his knife up to rest against her cheek. He pressed very gently until she moved her head back against his. He repeated his question; he wanted an answer.
“Ne!” Suzanne replied, hoping she wasn’t going to have to try to speak too much Bosnian. Her comprehension of the language wasn’t very good, but her pronunciation was even worse.
“No?” Sasha repeated. He didn’t seem convinced. He slid his hand from the small of her back, over the curve of her arse and between her legs. Suzanne yelped and tried to pull herself away from his probing hand, but only managed to thrust herself against his body. He laughed at that, held her against him. She whimpered in despair as he continued to probe between her legs for a couple of moments, then decided that he couldn’t feel enough to decide if she was wet or not.
He stripped off her clothes until she was entirely naked, using his knife to cut through her shirt and bra as her hands were still tied. Suzanne stared straight ahead, trying to block out the shame of being naked in front of these people. Sasha put his knife away and looked her over slowly.

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   Her breasts were full, slightly large for her frame, and had delicate pink nipples that were rapidly hardening under his stare. Her legs and stomach were taut and toned, but she still managed to have full hips and a round arse. He moved behind her, sliding his left arm around her waist and his right hand to the front of her thigh.
“Are you sure you aren’t wet?” he asked softly, stroking his hand from the front to the inside of her thigh. He smiled as she moaned in fear, wriggled against him in an attempt to get him off her. “Mmm? Do you want me to touch you?”
Suzanne repeated her answer from earlier, but it sounded a lot more desperate than it had before. He laughed softly, stroked a little higher, his fingers rubbing the line where her thighs met her nether regions, then higher… He slid one finger inside her very gently, eliciting a humiliated cry from the girl. There was no way that she could deny the fact that she was utterly wet and ready for him. He moaned softly and growled something that she couldn’t quite understand, something guttural and entirely sexual. Her body reacted regardless of the fact that she didn’t understand; he sounded powerful and masculine and entirely erotic. She felt her muscles tighten around his finger as she moaned wantonly and wanted to die right there; he was supposed to be raping her and it seemed like her body wanted him inside her more than it wanted air in her lungs.
“Shhh,” he whispered softly, sliding his finger out of her again gently. He moved so that he was facing her again, and held her jaw still. “I’ll be inside you soon, and I’ll fuck you as hard as you need. ” He slid his finger to rest on her lower lip, and it glistened with moisture.


   He pushed gently and Suzanne did as he wanted, sucking his finger clean gently. He growled softly, pulled the girl against him roughly and kissed her, sliding his tongue into her mouth to taste the juices that she had licked from his fingers.
Suzanne was whimpering softly as Sasha kissed her. She was trying to control herself, but it just wasn’t working. She moaned in pleasure as he slid his mouth to her throat and started to nuzzle. “Oh god,” she whispered as he continued to torment her. “You’re so sexy. ” She froze in shock as the words tumbled out of her mouth, but then relaxed slightly. He didn’t speak English and the other guy was too far away to hear what she had said…
She froze again as Sasha replied, in English: “Thank you. So are you. ”
“You speak English?!” she snapped, trying to hide her embarrassment with anger. He smiled back at her.
“Never said I didn’t,” he replied. Suzanne’s eyes were blazing.
“You bastard!” she whispered.

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   “Let me down so I can kill you!”
“No,” he replied simply. He slid his right hand onto her left breast and stroked over her nipple. She was not amused. She kicked out at him, and hit him square in the balls, hard. She expected him to go down, or double over at least. He grunted and took a step back, that was all. These people were tough. His eyes turned black with anger and he grabbed her by the throat.
“Okay baby,” he growled, switching back to his own language. “No more fucking foreplay. ” He balled his right hand into a fist and punched her in the left cheek, and he didn’t pull his punches. Suzanne’s head lurched to the side and she stayed there for several moments, stunned. She slowly came back to her senses and realised that blood was flowing from her nose and her mouth. As she raised her head she saw him prepare to hit her again, but she wasn’t going to be able to stop him in time. The second blow was harder, and she cried out in agony as he grabbed her by the hair and pulled her head back up to face him.

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Sasha stopped, his hand raised to hit her again, when his boss growled “Sasha! If you go on like that, she’ll be dead in twenty minutes. ”
“More like ten,” Sasha replied. His breathing was heavy, but from anger rather than exertion. Suzanne was well aware that he could keep up this treatment for hours, as long as she stayed conscious. He changed his aim, ready to hit her other cheek this time and even out the bruises.
“Stop it Sasha,” the boss growled. “There are better ways to hurt a woman. ”
Sasha smiled nastily at that and Suzanne shivered. Her body had finally cooled off, but at what cost? Her face was aching and she knew that whatever he had in store for her next couldn’t possibly be good. He slid his hand up one of her arms, searching for a moment. He found what he was looking for and pressed gently, then harder. Suzanne shrieked in pain as he dug his fingers into a pressure point on her arm. This was even worse than the pain in her cheek.
Sasha maintained the pressure on the girl’s arm, enjoying watching her squirm and hearing her scream. Tears were running down her cheeks and mixing with the blood that was drying on her face.

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   He wasn’t going to stop until she begged him to. He didn’t have to wait long.
“Stop it Sasha!” she whimpered softly. “Please!” He let go, then rubbed the bruised skin gently for a moment.
“Do you have any idea how many different points there are like that on your body?” Sasha asked. Suzanne didn’t, but she could imagine. “I can keep you screaming for days and all you’ll end up with is bruises. And then I can do it all again. And again. Do you want that?” Suzanne shuddered before replying “no. ”
“Do you want to tell him what he wants to know?” Sasha asked, sliding his hand to the same point on Suzanne’s other arm. He pressed very gently, and Suzanne started to feel ill.
“No,” she replied, bracing herself for the nauseating pain again. She wasn’t sure how much time passed before he stopped again, but she was covered in bruises and her throat was raw from screaming. Sasha moved toward her again and slid his mouth back to her ear.

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“Ready to talk yet, baby?” he asked softly.
“Go to hell!” Suzanne replied, jerking her head away from Sasha.
“Okay,” he growled. “Let’s do something a little different. ” He slid his jacket off his shoulders, revealing another cleaner one underneath, which he took off too. This left a black t-shirt that left little to the imagination, but this time Suzanne was unmoved. He slid his hand to her jaw and lifted her face to kiss her. Suzanne jerked her head away from him, sneering in disgust. He smiled.
“You want to fight me this time?” he asked, and Suzanne scowled at him. “Do you want more pain? I wonder how long you’ll last. ” He tangled his hand into her hair and pulled her head back viciously, exposing her throat. He licked over her neck and shoulder, then started to bite and suck, his other hand travelling to one of her breasts and squeezing hard. Suzanne moaned softly, this time in pain. She was almost relieved that her body wasn’t betraying her, until she felt his hand travel down towards her vagina.

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The first time that Sasha did this, he had been incredibly gentle. He made up for it this time. Knowing that she wouldn’t be wet, he pushed two fingers inside her hard, kept up the pressure until they were fully inside her. Suzanne wasn’t sure what hurt the most, him pushing into her or pulling out. She closed her eyes tightly and whimpered, the whimper turning into a scream as he pushed three, then four fingers into her roughly.
“You’re so beautiful when you scream,” Sasha whispered into Suzanne’s hair softly. He started circling his fingers inside her slowly, going as deep as he could. “Scream for me, baby. ” She moaned softly, writhing against him in an attempt to reduce the pressure he was using, but it didn’t work.
Sasha was burning with desire while he watched the girl whimper and moan for him. He increased the pressure that he was using on her slightly and was rewarded with a scream of agony that made his dick throb. He leaned down and caught a nipple in his teeth, increased the pressure until she was hysterical, then let go. Tears were streaming down her face and he licked them off hungrily. He needed to be inside her before her body started to lubricate itself in self defence.
Suzanne whimpered in relief as Sasha pulled his fingers out of her and left her alone for a moment.

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   Her head lolled back and she closed her eyes, trying to rest for a minute. She tried to tell herself that the metallic sound she just heard was not him unzipping his pants and coming back towards her…
“Look at me,” Sasha growled, his hand going back to her hair and dragging her head upright. Suzanne did as she was told. He lifted her up slightly as he positioned himself at her opening, then slowly pushed into her, his eyes burning into hers. She screamed. And screamed. She had promised herself that she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction, but the pain when he forced himself inside her was unbelievable. He growled something at her as he moved inside her that she couldn’t understand, but from the tone of his voice and the look in his eye, she figured he was taunting her in some way. She didn’t care. Right now, the only think that she could focus on was the pain in her body.
The girl cried the entire time that Sasha was inside her, which made him shudder in satisfaction. She was incredibly tight, and he had to slow down his movements until they were measured and deliberate to stop himself from coming too soon. She moaned softly in appreciation and he smiled, slid his fingers to her bitten nipple and squeezed. He didn’t want her thinking he was going soft on her. He couldn’t delay things any further, he was going to come soon.

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   He slid his mouth to the girl’s ear and started to talk, in English to make sure that she understood.
“I’m going to come baby,” he growled. His accent was strong and masculine, and made her almost shudder with desire regardless of the pain in her body. “I’m going to leave everything I’ve got buried as deep inside you as I can go, and you’re going to scream for me, baby. ”
Suzanne scowled at Sasha, every feature on her face depicting loathing and hatred. No. She wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of seeing her scream yet again. She gritted her teeth against the pain that she knew was coming as he increased the speed of his movement inside her.
Sasha could feel the girl tensing against him and knew that she was going to do everything in her power to stop herself from screaming. He could easily hit another pressure point and get her to scream that way, but he didn’t want to. He wanted a heartfelt scream of pain and despair and he was going to get it.
“Get used to this, baby,” he whispered. “It’s the only thing you’re going to have from now on. You’re never going to see your family again. You’re mine and I’m going to fuck you until you pass out every day for the rest of your life, until you’re raw and bleeding and you can’t even beg anymore.

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His words hit home. Suzanne moaned wretchedly and writhed against her tormentor in one last futile act of defiance that caused her aching arms to scream with pain. Sasha grabbed her arse and moaned harshly, the sight of her writhing finally sending him over the edge into orgasm. He buried himself deep inside the girl as he felt his semen spurt hotly inside her, and she gave him the scream that he wanted, then collapsed against him, sobbing into his chest. Her vagina was raw and bleeding, and the hot, salty wetness of Sasha’s sperm flooding her was like acid burning her insides.
It took Sasha several moments to recover before he trusted his legs to keep him upright. He pulled out of the girl slowly and sorted out his clothes. She was hanging limp from her bindings, not even bothering to hold herself up on her toes anymore. Her head had flopped forwards but what he could see of her face was caked in blood and salt from her tears. Her body was almost entirely covered in bruises and her left nipple had darkened with blood where he had bitten it. She had scratches and nail marks where he had held on to her hips and her arse, and his semen was slowly oozing down her leg, tinged pink from blood where he had fucked her raw.
She was beautiful.
He looked to his superior officer for his approval. The older man smiled nastily, he was impressed. He got up and left the room, leaving the torture of the girl in Sasha’s capable hands.

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   Sasha reached up and unhooked the girl from the ceiling, then dumped her on the floor. She didn’t even moan as she hit the floor, and stayed where he had dropped her. Satisfied that she didn’t have the energy or the will to fight him, he untied her wrists. They were raw and bleeding from the rough rope that had been used to tie her.
Suzanne was immensely grateful to have her weight taken off her aching arms, and she made the most of it by lying still and appreciating simply being left alone. She finally moaned softly as she felt strong hands on her body again, lifting her. Sasha. She wasn’t sure if she had passed out after he finished with her, but it seemed like an age since he had been inside her. Not that the ache in her body had subsided any. He carried her out of the room, but she didn’t have the energy to look where they were going. She laid her head against his chest and closed her eyes, falling unconscious for a few precious moments until he dumped her on the floor again.
Sasha dragged the girl to her feet, holding her against the wall until she got the idea and tried to support her own weight. She was shaking but she managed to stand upright. He pushed her towards a doorway, and growled “take a shower,” at her. In a daze, she wandered through the doorway and turned on the water in the shower.

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   She got under the water and closed her eyes, stood there for several minutes, the warm water soothing her bruised skin.
She must have taken too long, for when she opened her eyes again, Sasha was standing by the shower and staring at her angrily. She gasped and backed away as he got into the shower with her. He pinned her against the wall, hot and wet and oh god, already hard again. His mouth descended onto hers and she swooned, had to hold on to his shoulders to keep herself upright. She submitted to him, baring her neck for him again. This time he didn’t bite quite so hard.
Sasha slid his hand down to the triangle of fur at the top of the girl’s legs, and tangled his fingers in it, sliding onto her clitoris and stroking for a moment. She whimpered softly as she opened her legs for him, the whimper becoming an agonised whine as he slid a finger inside her. The pain overwhelmed her fear of retribution, and she slid her hand to his wrist and held his hand still.
“Please Sasha,” she whispered softly. “It hurts so much. Can we do something else, just for now? Please?” She was shaking, expecting a blow to the head or worse. He considered fucking her in the arse just to punish her for trying to tell him what to do, but he wanted to save that for a special occasion. He gasped softly as he felt her hand slide along his abdomen and rub just alongside his penis.


   “Is there nothing else you’d like me to do?” she whispered, staring up into his eyes like a porn star parody of an innocent schoolgirl. She completed the look by slowly licking her tongue across her lips suggestively, showing off her tongue piercing. He was lost.
Without any prompting, the girl slid to her knees at his feet and stroked her palms over his thighs gently. She moved her left hand and gently grasped him, stroking up and down slowly. She used her other hand to stroke over the head, flicking his frenulum gently. He moaned softly, whispered that phrase that made him sound so sexy and Suzanne shivered slightly. After a few moments, she slid her mouth down over the head of his penis and sucked on his glans gently before sliding more of him down her throat.
Sasha had completely lost all ability to think. He slid his hands into the girl’s hair and stroked gently in encouragement. He had been looking forward to forcing her to give him a blow job, but this was so much better. She wanted him to leave her throbbing vagina alone so badly that she was doing everything she could to make him come. She was talented as hell with her mouth and the tongue piercing was driving him crazy. He groaned in contentment as she increased her speed, allowing him to thrust against her gently. He was getting dangerously close to coming already, so she slowed down slightly to let him calm down.

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Her captor had to lean against the wall of the shower enclosure to stop himself from collapsing as Suzanne brought him close to orgasm again. This time she didn’t slow down, and was rewarded with his salty semen flooding her mouth and dribbling down her chin. She got to her feet slowly, still stroking his twitching penis gently as her eyes met his. She opened her mouth so that he could see his white fluid still within it, then swallowed slowly, licked her lips to make sure she hadn’t missed any.
Sasha couldn’t breathe. The girl’s performance had been amazing and the encore was enough to make him almost ready to fuck her again straight away. He pulled her to her feet and leaned down to slide a nipple into his mouth, stroking the other one gently. She moaned softly, he was incredible with his hands when he wanted to be. And his mouth. . . She wasn’t sure if it was the blow job that had done it, but she was suddenly aching with need regardless of the terrible pain in her body.
Suzanne could feel an orgasm building, but she knew she was going to need something more to send her over the edge. She whimpered as Sasha slid his hand down and over her clitoris. She badly needed something inside her but she knew that the pain would be overwhelming.

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   He shushed her gently.
“I’m not going to go inside you,” he whispered softly. “Just relax. ” She did as he asked and cried out sharply as the pleasure started to build within her still further. After a couple of moments, she was whining desperately. Sasha smiled, slid to his knees and nudged her legs apart. He slid his tongue onto her clitoris, taking it into his mouth and biting its base gently as he sucked on the end.
It took five seconds of this treatment to send Suzanne over the edge. She keened softly as her muscles started to contract, and she fell to the floor with a thump as her legs gave way completely. Sasha gathered her up and lifted her out of the shower, drying her with a towel so rough she was sure it was really shark skin in disguise.
He led her into a dingy room that consisted of a bed, a chair and a very small window that was too high to see out of. He pushed her onto the bed and she laid down gratefully, curling into a ball. He left, closing the door behind him quietly. Suzanne suddenly felt cold as she heard the turning of a key; he had locked her in alone, and with no idea if and when he would come back.

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