The Tear


The door swung inward with an irritating squeak as if begging for oil. The dusty environment was dimly lit and reeked of cigarettes and cooking grease, and I spied the small portable cooking grill atop the back of the bar. There were no more than ten tables scattered on the creaking wooden floor, most obscured by darkness and haze. Several patrons were scattered among the worn tables muttering nonsensical expletives that were occasionally punctuated by muted laughter. As we were seated at one of the more obscured tables, I noted the walls were embellished with an assortment of paraphernalia that would make a sanitation engineer groan. There were old family photos, and articles of yellowed attire including some stained panties that resembled toxic hazardous waste. “It’s OK Ben,” my host chuckled as his signaled the aging barmaid for a pitcher of ale; “Actually the burgers are quite good, but more importantly, my wife would fear to tread within these walls. ” “I can understand her feelings Ned,” I returned quietly still in awe of the ambiance. “May I ask what in the hell we’re doing here?” “Ben,” he stumbled as his face suddenly grew sullen, “It appears as if I’m going to lose over half of the crew due to the recent management decisions, and I needed to talk to someone whom I can trust in confidence. ” My heart leapt to my throat as I wondered if this was where he would let me down easily. What better place, I thought, than a dive that cockroaches shied away from. Filling our chipped mugs from the pitcher that had just arrived, I scarcely noticed the waitress, that shoved the twenty that Ned handed to her into her breast pocket indifferently as she swaggered back to the refuge of the dimly lit bar stool she had occupied prior to our untimely interruption. I braced myself for my unofficial termination notice tersely, as thoughts of the impending financial insecurities danced in my head. “You’ll probably wind up with a promotion out of this,” Ben offered as he took a long drag of his cigarette and capped it with a sip of warm beer. “How does Ben Kingsman, Production Supervisor sound to you?” Relieved, yet remorseful, I toyed with my helping of brew and stifled my response. So many of the souls I had come to know personally on a day to day basis would suddenly join the agonizing ranks of the unemployed while I tried to motivate the remaining refugees towards the feigned security upper management would surely attempt to instill.

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   “What about you Ned,” I queried, almost fearful of the answer. “I’ve been offered a position upstate at the new plant. Moving Liz and the family is not among my list of desired tasks, but the alternative is not conducive to our financial security. There are still too many years before I can retire, especially with Jenny starting college next fall. ” “Damn,” I offered. “Yeah. ” he returned, and we both became lost in our memories of the good years gone by. A tear trickled down his cheek. Despite the muted sounds around us, the room became silent and removed as we searched for consolation. Moments later, some laborers, mostly middle aged women from the “sweatshop” across the street, began to file in amidst a babble of expletives that stirred Ned and I from our sorrows. A chorus of laughter erupted from one of the groups that had formed around a table nearby, and the chubbiest gals laughter had an almost addictive affect that made us both grin despite ourselves. The molested waitress reappeared and advised us that if we had any intention of ordering, we better do it now before everyone else gets started. Ned complimented her on her thoughtfulness as he studied the weathered menu. She shrugged it aside and stood impatiently as she studied his suit incredulously. We both went for the grease burger and fries with a warm-up on the beer, perhaps silently hoping a heart attack would put an end to our heavy hearts.


   She turned on her heel producing a squeak that rivaled a bean taco fart. We laughed, despite ourselves. As the evening hours quickly slid into nightfall, we nursed our heartburn and dug deep into our reserves to console each other while cursing the inevitable. By the time the second sweatshop shift arrived, Ned and I were both oblivious to much of anything other than the camaraderie that held us together for so many years. As gracefully as a drugged elephant, he excused himself amidst his ever present recommendation for me to get laid. I dismissed him with a playful gesture as he swaggered out the squeaking door, and I silently prayed he would make it home safely. Surrounded by no names, I felt alone, and silently observed the room the had just recently began a slow cylindrical spin around my seat. The hangover was going to be atrocious. Trying to appear sober, I gazed about the smoky room at the various groups of women as they babbled about their mundane routines and their families latest crises. Ned was right, I felt terribly alone this night, and the thought of driving home depressed me even further. I ordered a cup of strong coffee. Another group of babbling workers entered and with nary an open table, they curtly asked me to surrender mine. Not wanting to be part of a conversation in which I didn’t belong, I politely excused himself to seek refuge in my coffee at the bar. It wasn’t until after I had stumbled up to the oak stained mantle that I realized all the weathered stools were occupied by the male minority from across the street. Knowing my capacity to drive through the myriad of Friday night lunatics was greatly reduced, I sought a landing site anywhere within the dive that would offer even the slightest hint of tranquility.

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   A song of long ago began to replay it’s somber notes in my memory and I began to hum to myself. In one of the dark corners, a somber figure sat silently, almost entirely obscured by shadows. As I stumbled over to the two seat table, I interrupted the melody long enough to curse myself for being so short-sighted - a characteristic I rarely displayed. The tired face that looked up at me when I arrived almost made me turn back to the bar. Yet there was a silent desperation in her deep brown eyes that somehow urged me to continue. She wasn’t particularly attractive I mused. But then a full figured middle-aged female laborer posed little threat to my misery, I concluded as I tried to assemble a non-threatening request. After an awkward silence, I awkwardly gestured at the vacant chair. She studied my face pensively for a few moments before she nodded. I damn near fell into the hardwood seat. Her gaze was distant as she studied me indifferently before turning her eyes back to the worn hewn table that trembled slightly as I shifted into a more comfortable position. Her long gray coat was opened just enough for me to glimpse the sagging breasts that pressed firmly against the white on gray polka-dot dress that seemed to go on forever. I wondered for a brief instant if she belonged to some obscure religious cult with a strict dress code, yet dismissed the thought quickly as I reasoned polka-dots have never been considered commensurate with conservative attire. Her glass of poison was empty and she gazed about somewhat wistfully as I offered to buy her another. “Coffee looks good,” she offered in a timid whisper.

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   Her eyes rose to meet mine, and there was a profound sadness within that bore through the beer induced haze into my deepest being. I signaled the waitress who arrived presently with another mug and a pot of year old coffee syrup. I asked for some water and diluted the contents of my mug before offering it to my companion. She smiled vaguely and turned away at my request. Taking that as a signal, I turned my thoughts back to my earlier conversation with Ned, and all of the problems it left unresolved. The world can sure be cruel. Somewhere between the call of nature, and my attempt to rise, I realized that a long night lay ahead. The room still spun at random intervals, but now the grease was beginning to churn the sudsy contents it accompanied. I soon found myself making an embarrassingly hasty retreat toward the dimly lit mens room a scant distance from where we sat. The bathroom was a dive, and the after taste was almost as nauseating as the initial taste that stirred me into action. Trying to clean up with paper towels left me lacking also as I returned to the table well expecting my silent partner to have made a hasty retreat. She remained, studying me intently as I weakly resumed my berth across from her. As my urge to return to the mens room subsided, a screeching voice straight from a mans worst nightmare blurted “LAST CALL” with such intensity I damn near fell off of my chair. “Do you live far from here?” Her suddenness startled me further, and I nodded half-heartedly. “I live close by - you can stay if you want.

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  ” While the thought of sharing a bed with a whale was distasteful, a night in the back seat of his car was even less appealing. With limited options on the horizon, I solemnly accepted her offer amidst a flurry of slurred apologies. Even now, I can hardly remember the walk to her apartment in the chill, other than watching her flanks as they jiggled and swayed. I followed several paces behind her, trying to clear my head while subduing my self-recriminations. As we entered her second story flat, a stifling muskiness entered my nostrils and I remember seeing a small two-burner electric stove and a weathered rose-colored sofa with several rips that spewed discolored matting. My host gestured towards the sofa and disappeared behind a rotting door. Moments later, I heard the all too familiar sound of a toilet flushing, but was too far gone to care. Darkness covered me like a warm blanket. The morning sun greeted me through moth-eaten curtains as my host gently caressed my forehead with a warm washcloth. As my eyes began to focus on her, I felt a wave of panic sweep over me when I realized she had spent the night on the floor next to me with a small pillow and stained comforter. Her thin gown was riddled with holes from hand washing but her face was radiant in the dawns light. I studied her manner as she continued to gently bathe my unshaven face with her soft calloused hands. The smooth creamy skin of her unhindered breasts peeked provocatively from an opening in the front of her gown where a button was missing. “I’m losing it,” I thought silently to myself as I eased her hand away and sat up slowly. For a moment I heard the same drums that summoned King Kong play in the back of my head.

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   Once they retreated somewhat, I took stock of my surroundings. It was a tiny flat that could probably fit into my living room with room to spare. The tiny kitchen had a midget refrigerator and a couple of shelves stacked with chipped dishes and dried food. The front room had the sofa, a small single bed in the corner, a four drawer dresser covered with pictures of a beautiful young girl, and an old wooden rocker where my host had retreated too. The rocker was next to the only window that overlooked a wall of similar windows a few meters distant. She stared out at them and on into oblivion. There was now way to hide my discomfort. I fumbled with my shirt buttons and the words to dismiss myself politely. I felt like an idiot. “I gotta go,” I muttered, resigned to the hopelessness of my position. “I know,” she returned quietly without averting her gaze. As I walked towards the door, my heart fell around my ankles. I turned just before reaching for the doorknob and gazed at the photos of the child, with dark flowing hair and the same miniature features as the silent figure that sat across the room from me. Mustering the last frayed threads of my torn self esteem, I turned to face my host with the closest photo in my hand. “This yours?” “My only.

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  ” “Where is she?” “The State took her Friday. ” “Where?” “They didn’t say. ” She slowly retrieved some disarrayed legal papers next to her chair and held them out to me. I scanned them briefly without the slightest idea of what they said until my eyes found the words “unhealthy environment. ” My mind began to race despite the return of the King Kong drummers. All I could think of was a philosophy my beloved Grandfather taught me when I was still too young to understand. He told me that my life will be filled with decisions and consequences. When it appears as if all is lost remember, the good Lord let you get there, and he’ll surely get you out. “Mind if I ask where the Father is?” “He left long before my Tara knew life. ” A tear that had been forming around her eye finally spilled onto her cheek and slowly began to glide down her face, pausing only briefly at her trembling upper lip before continuing down her chin and onto the exposed portion of her heaving breast. Now I’ve always preferred my women slim, young and sassy. But all that ever got me was some banged bones, an empty feeling and, in the case of my ex, an empty wallet. Here I was, on the verge of a promotion, with a solid bank account and an empty abode. At that moment however, the empty abode was far more oppressive than the sum of all the consequences for my earlier mistaken decisions. Never having a child of my own, I could only vaguely imagine the pain she was feeling, but I knew it would be far more than I could endure.

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   The world can be so cruel. Gingerly restoring the photo to it’s resting place, I faced my host directly as the tears cascaded freely down her face. Taking a deep breath, I strolled over to her trembling form, and wrapped my arms around her shoulders with all the love I had within me. Her sobs began to subside. “We got work to do. ” “What?” “If you want to get your daughter back, we best get started before the State has its way with her. ” “I don’t need sympathy,” she responded meekly. “You’re going to have to learn the difference between sympathy and support, sweetheart. Now I’d like to know the name of the girl I’m going to help support. “Cindy. ” “OK; Mine’s Ben. Why don’t you get into something a little more appropriate then explain what those damn papers say on the way over to my place. I gotta get out of these clothes - they smell rather stinky, don’t they. ” “Yeah, they kinda do,” she whispered and smiled for an instant as she rose shakily. As she took some neatly folded clothes from the bottom drawer, I touched her hand gently.

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   She hesitated for an eternity, then rose and embraced me with such intensity that I damn near blacked out. Then she darted to the bathroom as her face turned crimson. I grabbed a cup of cold coffee but couldn’t find any aspirin, so I guzzled the foul brew quickly to keep my blood flowing and clear my head. It was Sunday so the legal offices would be closed but by Monday I intended to have all of our “ducks in a row. ” When she emerged from the bathroom with her tight jeans and a blue cotton knit sweater, I had to pause to admire her. With her fine long brown hair framing her pixie face, she was absolutely adorable, and somehow, the clothes highlighted her figure in such a way to make it nicely appealing. When I complimented her, she blushed shyly, adding even more to her attractiveness. I breathed a prayer of thanksgiving under my breath as we headed past the “dive” to my snow covered Ford. Once Cindy was securely on board, I scraped the windshield and brushed the snow from the roof of the truck. The instant response from beneath the hood reminded me of home, and with the heater on full bore, I eased out into the Sunday morning traffic. At the first stop light, I turned to my passenger with all the seriousness I could muster and said; “Cindy, I can’t make any guarantees, but I will endeavor to. . . ” She leaned over and kissed me. How many years of pent-up emotions she demonstrated I can scarcely say, but the wind was literally sucked out of me.

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   I sat there with my eyes wide and mouth wide open. The blaring horn of the car behind me brought me back to reality and I half skidded, half slid through the intersection to the next stoplight where I bluntly returned the favor. Her lips were sweeter than anything I ever tasted, and I’m certain the windows steamed over despite the best efforts of the heater motor. This was getting good! She slumped in her seat, obviously overcome with the moment and we spent the remaining twenty minute drive in silent anticipation. By the time I eased the truck into its covered parking slot (thank heaven I opted to pay the additional $15-per month to rent it) our sensory overload had dissipated to a manageable level, and we were able to enter my townhouse with a reasonable level of respectability. Skags, my worthless tomcat met us at the door and brushed by me to seek Cindy’s attention “Traitor,” I hissed under my breath as the cat poured on enough charm to melt the heart of a junk yard dog. I cranked up the thermostat and headed into the kitchen to get the coffee going. The aspirin bottle was nestled right where I left it, thankfully. I turned to Cindy who stood in awe of my humble abode. Now I’m pretty proud of what I got beings that I’ve worked quite hard to get it, but most of my furniture is run-of-the-mill bargain basement stuff that barely compares to some of the quality things that are available at the Bon. Looking at her face though, I felt like the richest man on earth and immediately set out to show her the floor plan. My two-story townhouse has three bedrooms upstairs and the living quarters on the entry level. Actually, with its two and a half bathrooms, it’s almost two large for me to where last year I had considered selling it in favor of a small mobile home on the outskirts of town. The deal fell through at the last moment though, and my work commitments had kept me from any further serious searches. The smallest bedroom was converted into a study as it overlooked the park and was perfect for my PC.


   I had a housekeeper come in once a week to keep the place tidy and she did a pretty good job albeit her liberal use of air freshener was somewhat disconcerting. As I showed Cindy around, her eyes became larger and I could almost hear the gears cranking in her cranium. Finally, fearful that my mouth had overshot my assets, I excused myself after showing her how to use the remote on the TV. The shower was heaven sent, washing away the grime and uncertainties resident from the night before. I donned some comfortable jeans and a sweatshirt and thundered down the stairs to behold Cindy fully involved with Skags on her lap and a rerun of “I Love Lucy” on the tube. She was chuckling absently to herself as the coffee maker gurgled its final throes in the background. I paused just long enough to realize that my home was no longer empty. “Should we try to count how many chocolates Lucy can cram into her maw,” I queried when a commercial for some facial cream flashed onto the screen. She looked startled for a moment, then turned to me with a warm smile. “No,” she replied simply, and rose from the sectional and strolled over to where I stood meekly. She had taken her shoes off at the door, so my chin rested squarely on top of her head when she embraced me. We kissed again, only now the shyness was replaced with passion as my arms slid around her back and her arms pulled my face to hers. We kissed for an eternity, the warmth of her being chasing away the few remaining traces of emptiness from the deepest recesses of my soul. Her hands slid underneath my sweatshirt and began exploring every pore of naked skin concealed there. In turn, my hands slid beneath her sweater and caressed the deliciously delicate skin that melted beneath my touch.

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   Our breathing became rapid as our hearts proclaimed the level of excitement burning in our loins. My hardness began to exert itself against her tummy and she pressed against me firmly acknowledging her desire. The phone rang. “Damn,” I hissed as I broke our embrace. It was Ned, wondering if I was alright. “Yeah, thanks Ned. . . well I met a gal last night and. . . I know this might be a bad time, but do you think I might get a few days off. . . you’re coming over.


   . . well take it slow and park in the covered stall next to mine as the neighbors won’t be home till next week. . . OK, see you in a few. ” Cindy smiled at me half apologetically, and half disappointingly as she walked towards the kitchen. She wriggled her toes in the carpet with every step she took until she reached the cool tile. Fumbling through the cupboards, she quickly found the coffee mugs and poured some coffee. In turn, I reached for my trusty highliter and a pen and pad in the desk by the stairway, and grabbed the papers she had brought before dropping into my favorite recliner. She handed me the coffee nervously, and sat next to chair on the carpet. I began to half mumble through the lines of legal jargon, trying to find the basis for Tara’s kidnaping when Ned knocked on the door. Cindy sprang to her feet and had the door opened before I could get the recliner to its upright position. “Well, who’s little girl are you?” She turned to me and pointed accusingly. “His.

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  ” “Howdy Ben, and you are. . ?” “Cindy. ” “Hi Cindy, Im Ned. Ben and I have worked together for. . . years!’ “Longer than I care to remember Ned!” I retorted. “Don’t care to date myself. ” “Indeed, how did it go last night?” “Ned, if it wasn’t for Cindy, I’d probably be an icicle! How did it go with you?” “I’ve definitely had warmer home comings, but when I explained the personnel disruption, she took it pretty well. ” He paused for a moment and silence fell like an A bomb. “I smell some coffee, got any left?” Cindy turned on her heel and within moments handed a steaming mug to my boss. “What do you have there anyway, Ben. ” “Child custody papers, the State got involved with Cindy’s daughter and I’m trying to wade though this legal bull to restore Mother and Daughter. “I don’t know, I hear those child custody things can get kind of messy depending on the judge.

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   Let me have a look if it’s alright with you Cindy. “ She nodded resignedly. Ben studied the papers slowly, thumbing through the text slowly amidst occasional grunts and nods. Finally, after reading the last page, he looked up at Cindy and I while rubbing the stubble on his chin. “They have some pretty serious allegations here. I don’t see any easy solutions except one. ” “What’s that, Ned?” He sighed and rubbed his bloodshot eyes. “Cindy, looks like you better settle down with someone with a broader security base than you have. ” “Come again,” she queried. “Your current income of 12k per annum won’t stretch far enough to provide the habitability requirements the State requires. A good health insurance, for example, will take almost a quarter of your income not including a housing upgrade and ‘non-specific’ expenses as required by law. Have you ever considered a higher paying job?” “I’ve tried, desperately, I’ve tried,” she countered quickly. “With all of the lay-offs at our plant it would be highly unlikely. . wait a minute!” Ned’s eyes lit up like a pile of hot charcoal sprayed with starter fluid.

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   “We could take you in as a student aide, and that would give you 18k a year. ” He fell silent again. “What is it boss,” I queried anxiously. “I don’t know if that alone would convince the judge. Putting the ‘Mother - Daughter’ argument aside, you’d have to finish high school before I can put you on the payroll. You would also need to change your residence, and prove that your income will be steady for the next several years. There are several other requirements, but the increase in income should resolve those. It looks like a GED would be your best bet, Cindy, but even so, it will take at least several months before you can get Tara back. Would you like me to speak to the administration on your behalf?” She nodded gravely and stared at the carpeting in front of where she sat. “Ned, this may be way out of line, but what if Cindy and I got hitched?” “Ben, that would put Cindy into a really awkward position but, to answer your question directly, that would probably be the quickest way to reunite this lovely gal with her daughter. It’s your decision, but it would take a lot of work - you’d have to adopt Tara immediately and she might have something to say about that!” “Good points, as always my friend. I’ll take it under advisement. ” “Seems to me, you two have a lot to talk about. ” I’d better be heading back to the Misses anyways, I owe her a dinner after last night and would just as soon get the score settled now rather than listen to her nagging. ” I got up and walked him to the door with Cindy at my side.

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   I gave him my warmest handshake and Cindy threw her arms around him appreciatively. He smiled and left with a wink when I cautioned him to stay in the ruts. Closing the door quietly, I turned to my new found love to find tears in her eyes. She gathered the coffee mugs together and washed them silently as I struggled to find the right words to say. Wiping her hands she turned to me without making eye contact. “Please take me home,” was all she said. “OK, if we hurry, we can get your things moved in before nightfall. ” “I can’t,” was all she said, as tears cascaded down her cheeks. I took her hand a silently led her to the sofa. “Look,” I began as I tried to form my words knowing full well they carried the weight of our future. “Last night, while you were probably in the lowest point of your existence, you allowed a drunken stranger into your home and offered the best of what you could offer. I can’t believe loneliness was your sole motive, especially after the trust and caring you showed me. I know a lot is happening to us right now, and I’m not going to pressure you into something you’re unsure of. ” She glanced up at me inquisitively and sniffled. Undaunted I continued; “But I’d never forgive myself for letting go of one of the most precious souls I’ve encountered.

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  ” I reached into my wallet and pulled out one of my few remaining business cards. “I’ll take you home now, and give you time to sort things through, but know that I’m more than willing to build my life around you and Tara if you’d offer me the same commitment. ” I rose from the sofa, strangely relieved, and held out my hand to her. She took it shyly while still staring at her feet. We got our coats and shoes on and headed out into the afternoon breezes where clouds obscured the bright sun of a few hours earlier. I took it as an omen as we drove silently to her pad. She opened the door quietly and slid out into the cold. Her eyes turned slowly to meet mine expressing volumes of heart songs before turning back to her lonely world. Once inside, I pulled away slowly to return to mine. The snow began to fall. Skags damn near ignored me when I opened the door, reminding me that I had overshot his morning feeding by over six hours. I stumbled over to the pantry and pulled out his favorite, as a deafening numbness chilled me to the core. The football game turned out to be a bone biter until the last final seconds when the Hail Mary pass landed in the first row of the end zone seating. I began to zone on the events that led me here, and succumbed to the gentle whispers of fatigue. Sleep can be such a blessing.

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   At first, I thought the gentle rapping was connected to my dream until a second, more forceful report stirred me from my slumbers. A quick glance at the wall clock confirmed the darkness that fallen around me. I turned down the thermostat as I reached for the door handle. I opened to behold the shivering form of Cindy, adorned in several layers of clothing. She reminded me of the Michelin Man after losing a bout of mud wrestling. Beside her was a large overstuffed suitcase and there were several carpetbags in her hands. “Why didn’t you call,” I croaked as my heart leapt into my throat. “I don’t have any money,” she mumbled as she reached for the suitcase and crossed the threshold. “And I needed the time to think. ” I took the suitcase and one of the smaller bags from her and followed her as she walked up the stairs and directly into my bedroom. She dropped her shivering torso on to the bed and looked up at me as she slowly unbuttoned her dark wool coat. “What’s going on, Cindy?” “Last night as you slept, I saw something in you . . . ” “Perhaps it was the same thing I saw in you this morning when a tear crossed your cheek.

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  ” “Perhaps,” a slight smile crossed her face, “If what you saw made you want to spend the rest of your life with me. ” “Tomorrow, let’s get the rest of your furnishings, and . . . ” “All of what we have are in these bags; I gave the key to the manager. ” She had now disrobed to a long red knit sweater that covered her completely to below her knees where the oversized sweat pants emerged in loose folds all the way to her ankles. I could almost feel the falling arches in her tiny feet, and immediately dashed for the bathroom and my foot massager. As I plugged in the machine and immersed he feet into the warm soapy water, I beheld her tired features transform into pure ecstacy. Her sweat pants were in a crumpled heap next to the clothes hamper. I propped several of my larger pillows behind her to keep her upright and stowed the luggage in the back of my walk-in closet. After heading back downstairs to secure the TV and lock the front door, I mixed a Baileys and cradled it gently as I made my way back to the bedroom. She was asleep, and in her repose I saw an angel with the face of innocence emerge. As I set her drink on the night stand, she stirred back to my world and smiled again. Her hands took mine and rubbed them gently against her face as she cooed softly. Pulling me towards her, we embraced and rolled onto our side at the head of the bed.

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   Her hands began to tremble as she fumbled with the buttons on my shirt and jeans. I became instantly aroused, and began to explore the smooth textures of her thighs where there was no underwear to hinder me. She was shy, yet driven, and began pulling at my clothes almost in desperation. I was literally overwhelmed with her passion until my hand found the smooth shaven patch that masked her femininity. Her body responded instantly as she caught her breath and closed her eyes. Taking advantage of her momentary pause, I eased her onto her back and dove into the musky dampness like a hungry bear. As my lips found her swollen lips, her body convulsed violently several times. A long wail heralded a fountain of her essence that damn near blinded me. This was too easy! I went in again, burying my face within her bush until my tongue found the center of her passion. Her back arched at almost a surreal angle as she groaned in orgasmic agony. There was far more liquid than I could possibly consume erupting from within her, and I began gasping for air as she held me firmly to her quivering pussy. Her ecstatic sighs were the sweetest music I’ve ever heard. Somewhere amidst the continual convulsions her body arched skyward for one final orgasm in which every single muscle in her body appeared to tense to its limit, before she collapsed with a weak sigh. I thought I’d killed her and had visions of explaining to some plain clothed cop the events leading to her demise. As I reached for the phone, I felt her hand touch my arm and turned to the softest eyes ever placed in a persons head.


   Her fine brown hair was splayed around her face, and again, I swear I saw an angel appearing where she lay. We kissed, and more was said during that brief interlude than in a lifetime of Headline News. She pushed me on my back and removed the last vestiges of my attire. Her eyes widened and she paused to examine my body with the awe of a child in Disneyland. “Your perfect,” she whispered, and covered me with the gentlest kisses and caresses imaginable. When she reached my straining manhood, I was far to stimulated to endure any further torture. Pulling her onto me, I slipped between the delicious folds of her sex only to feel her force her body onto my groin. She threw her head back and whimpered as I enjoyed the tightest velvet enclosure my organ had ever been surrounded by. There was a sudden warm rush of her essence as she climaxed again and crumpled onto my chest. The muscles within her contracted rhythmically to her sighs, and with just a few short thrusts, I had to let go within her. The burning ecstacy lasted for an eternity as my seed pummeled her womb. Again, I felt the familiar tightness in her body, as she was wracked with yet another orgasm; her contractions forcing my seed back out into the cold, cruel world. We slept fitfully until the phone rang early the next morning. It was my boss. “Coming in this morning, Ben?” “Want to be my best man, Ned?” “Well that answers my question; I got you covered.

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  ” “ Thanks boss, I owe you. ” She turned to me sleepily, grabbed the phone and returned it to the cradle. “You own me now - mister,” she murmured as her hand found my erection. “Mind if give you a breast exam?” She giggled and her sweater soon landed atop her oversized sweat pants. I threw the pants away later that day, as we headed for the courthouse. In conclusion; I got the girls, the promotion and a bright future. Cindy got her GED and is now working as an administrative assistant to the CEO. Ned told the directors where to go that Monday and is now the CEO. The three of us visit “the dive” together ever now and again but we always go home after the first pitcher is drained. And Skags is now Tara’s cat - what a traitor. Life is good. . has a huge list of hotties and escort services in Mykonos!

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Here you can find all necessary information about escort models in Mykonos. Our site shares data of hundreds of Mykonos hotties who are ready to give you escort services. 100% verified profiles of real bimbos will not leave you indifferent. A lot of gentle and astonishing nymphos can turn crazy any man. Just take a glance at their erotic photos and read about their preferences. You are a gentleman and you deserve to spend time with the most beautiful babes. They will fulfill your fetishes and make all dreams come true. It is very useful when you can find out age, and languages of each lassie. It means you’ll know exactly what kind of misses is going to meet you and save yourself from unpleasant surprises.

Some of the chicks on our website are not amateurs but work as pornstars. You can be sure about their talents. Incredible misses will show you all their talents in bed. If you desire to have fun with your wife, look for escort models who work with couples, too. These misses know how to bring diversity to your intimate life. You can watch the endless list of mistresses and choose one right now.

The high-class escort girls of Mykonos ready to satisfy you!

Coming to this beautiful Greek city, do not forget to become a client of our escort agency! Do you know that Mykonos's nickname is "The Island of the Winds"? Tourism is a major industry and Mykonos is known for its crazy nightlife and has many establishments catering to the LGBT community. Here you can date a lesbian chick of your wishes and have the most amazing time in your life. It is a superb idea to take a boat tour with provoking misses. After that, you can see Matoyianni Street, and Little Venice. A better ending of such a trip will be a superb night with soft-spoken model.Our high-class escort service in Mykonos provides the list of the best young sweeties and experienced divas who are ready to date you and satisfy all your wishes. Choose one to have an unrepeatable time! Escort girls of Mykonos will make you happy. All these laid-back misses were born for love and pleasure. They are ready to share a bed with you. There is nothing that can stop you. This is the first-class site and it presents the most beautiful babes in the country. Do not lose your lucky chance to become a customer of call girl mykonos right now., a common name which will expose the industry of adult content in ways you have never seen before. A world of XXX where you will get the opportunity to sort and arrange your favorite adult videos according to your own lust and fantasies. is home to a vast selection of porn sites, all of them being safe and reliable sources for you to take your frequent dose of smut without having to be scared about anything.

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Escort Amsterdam

Visiting Amsterdam, the capital of The Netherlands, can be a very interesting thing to do, especially if you love having fun, drinking with your friends or enjoying forbidden activities. It’s also a hot place for culture, music and other appealing activities, but today we are going to narrate about the most inciting thing you can do here. adult services are among the most rated and demanded in the whole world. Services which can provide satisfaction and leisure to almost anyone who travels to Amsterdam and craves the company of a lady.

What type of broads can I see via this Escort Amsterdam service?

For starters, you can come to Amsterdam for almost any sort of babe you can think of, but when it comes to escort Amsterdam services, these offer provide nothing but the hottest and most elegant ladies for you to see. Think of charming ladies of different ages, set to offer you not just an stunning sexual adventure, but also a full journey with glamorous dates, hot chats, funny moments and lots of adult entertainment. It’s a thing that one must adventure when in Amsterdam. No matter your reason in this area, as a guy, you have to live a bit of these amsterdam escort chicks. The whole experience will make you feel powerful, trustful and very pleased.

I can choose whichever escort babe I wish?

Sure, when in Amsterdam, and willing to give it a try, you can practically select whatever Escort chick you love. Be it a blonde with big boobs and long legs, a kinky dark haired one pleased to have you in the bed with her, a teen babe with no experience but a huge desire, a mature with lots of experience and knowledge to make you feel amazing...everything your heart wishes can become reality if you use the escort Amsterdam services.


Every time you come to The Netherlands, and you see this appealing city called, Amsterdam, keep in mind that you can improve your time spent by surfing the services. It’s light and highly reliable, intimate and most advanced for any type of sexual desire. Your secret dreams can become reality with the help of these ladies. Feel free to explore the section and see the lady you wish. Live the best levels of pleasure with some really sexy escorts. Fresh, matures, slim, fat, BBW, with large breasts, with big butts, brunette, blondes, black, Chinese, you name it. The offer is vast and the choices are vast. All you need to do is browse the escort Amsterdam category and see for yourself. Such wonderful models are impossible to find on other pages, and their level of experience will amaze even the most demanding of dude.
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How To Quickly Hookup With Ladies From Escort Heraklion?

Whether you are craving a hookup from Escorts or Escort Greek, which are the most popular locations in this country, or a date in any of the other major cities that have this platform online, you will probably want to know the best news on how to receive the best time and the best prices.
Greeceescorts is here to provide ultra-quality dating services to any type of client. Whether you come here for office purposes, or simply for a city break, you will certainly need the most valuable relax time and pleasure. For thios reason, benefiting from this service for a spicy meeting is highly recommended, especially if you are a single guy seeking to have some naughty moments in the region.
In order to date the best hotties and be sure you will benefit from the best service, our escort service will allow you plenty of filtering options and customization options so that you can browse for your favorite babe with ease. That way, you will have higher odds of seeing the right type of woman that can fulfill your naughty thoughts, without having to search for her and lose valuable time doing that. Make no mistake, any of the listed women at Escort Athina will be here to fulfill your desires no matter what. In fact, these escorts are eager and always aroused, always prepared to offer the exact quantity of desire and privacy so that you can feel mind blown.

Some of the best Escort Heraklio women you can imagine!

We work hard to bring in the best Best Escort ladies on our platform. We pick manually each and everyone so that we can make positive they meet the most rigurous standards. In conclusion, we can guarantee that these chicks will make you feel amazing the minute they will pass your Hotel room door. Not to mention that Escort Greek provides a vast search for all users in a big number of locations across the country. No matter where you will be located, be it in the finandical capital city or in other cities, you will always be able to hookup with the sexiest ladies with just a few quick clicks. The huge number of visits our app makes a year is perfect proof that these dolls are the naughtiest deal.