The South Marlin Circle Bondage Club Chapter 16


The following Monday, Mrs. Soramino heard the sounds of a largetruck pulling into her part of South Bluefin Circle. She peered outthe window and saw that it had parked in front of the house nextdoor. That residence had been owned by a speculator who gambled onthe real estate bubble and lost. He tore down two smaller adjacenthomes to construct what was now a 4500 square foot five bedroomabode and then put it up for sale hoping to realize a handsomeprofit, but the bubble burst just as the finishing touches werebeing put on the project. As the months passed, there were no buyersand the investor had to finally begin lowering his asking price. Still, in a time of tightening credit, there were no takers. So herented it out for a while, but the renters then moved on after theylost their jobs and the house was put up for sale again. Anotheryear went by with no offers, which resulted in more price drops.

Three months ago, though, the investor, who was now taking a bath onthe property, was contacted by his listing agent, who had received afeeler from former South Marlin Circle resident Erik Eklund. Eklundleft the block to go to college and then to teach english in Japan,where he met his wife Maki. Her father was an executive at aprominent publishing firm in Japan and, after Erik had proposed tohis daughter, hooked him up with a job after he had been impressedby the young man's ideas as well as the fact that he had been ableto pick up the Japanese language to the extent that after barelythree years in the country he was fluent.

However, since he was a foreigner, Erik hit a kind of glass ceilingat the company and he and Maki pulled up stakes and moved toSouthern California, where they had six kids, Haruko, who had justturned 16, Rie, who was 15, Shiho, 14, Robbie, who was 12, and Ken,who was 10.

Upon returning to SoCal, he and a couple of buddies from collegeopened their own publishing firm and, with Erik as its CEO, itprospered and just recently got bought out for $250 million by oneof the New York based major publishing houses. Erik, who had hisfamily in Encino, decided he wanted move back to his oldneighborhood and the large home on South Bluefin Circle was perfect.

Maki had finished her Masters and Phd in international relations atUCLA while raising all those children, something for which Erikgreatly admired her.

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   The last few years she taught a seminar inJapanese politics at a private university, but now in her mid-40's,decided to leave teaching to be a fulltime mom to help her kidsprepare for college as well as devote herself to her duties as aslave to her husband.

Haruko wasn't into BDSM, but yet still liked running around thehouse in the nude, so she held to that part of the South MarlinCircle rules that Erik imposed on the household, even when they wereliving in the L. A. area. The other two girls, though, were as deeplysubmissive as their mother while the two boys were showing signs ofinheriting the dominant traits of their dad.

Maki was only 5'3" and 95 pounds with B cup breasts, but thanks toErik's 6'3" height his daughters were 5'5" to 5'7" with full C cupsand slim while Robbie was already 5'10" and Ken was 5'4".

Erik and his family had arrived at the house earlier that morningand let the movers in and, for the next several hours, her new homewas steadily filled with boxes of belongings and furniture. Theysubsequently began the arduous task of unpacking and arranging theireffects. Mrs. Soramino wondered who the new neighbors were and hopedthat they wouldn't cause problems for their quiet little enclave. After a couple of days, the Eklund clan was settled in. Theirrealtor told Maki that a Japanese family was next door, so shebought some wagashi (Japanese cookies) and knocked on the Soramino'sdoor. Mrs. Soramino opened it and Maki introduced herself andoffered the cookies. Mrs.

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   Soramino invited Maki in and then excusedherself to call her kids and tell them she had a stranger visitingtheir house.

Mrs. Soramino was relieved to find out that a household helmed by aJapanese mother was what was now next to her and spent the ensuinghours getting acquainted with Maki.

Meanwhile, Erik headed over to Alan Perlis' house to surprise him. Lynn was happy to see one of her husband's old friends moving back into the vicinity since they otherwise only saw Erik at the alumniparties. Once Erik had left, Lynn called her husband, who thenphoned Erik on his lunch break. That weekend, Lynn and Alan alongwith Jeff and Aaron, had dinner with this prodigal son of the blockand his family. Jeff was struck by how the Eklund daughters each hadlong golden hair and were quite leggy but with Japanese facialfeatures and personalities that reminded him of the other Japanesegirls in the neighborhood. He took the Eklund siblings aside andexplained the ins and outs of the neighborhood, including themandatory after school sessions over at Mrs. Westfield's home.

Mrs. Soramino then organized a trip to Ms. McMullen's beauty shop tointroduce Maki and the girls to her and Thuy and went over the ruleswith them. All of the Eklund children spoke fluent Japanese, so Mrs. Soramino ran down the code of conduct in that language for themsince she was more comfortable doing it in her native tongue ratherthan English.

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   When Mrs. Soramino had found out that the Eklunds werealso BDSM practicioners, she was relieved that she didn't have tohide her and her family's proclivities from them.

The Friday after that, the welcoming party was held and the Eklundchildren were pleased about being so warmly welcomed into the closeknit community. The girls especially knew they would receiveprotection and guidance from the neighbor kids at their new schools.

The next day, though, there was a series of departures, as KathyDelasso and Eric Stevenson left for the Pacific Northwest forcollege and Yoriko and Donny went their separate ways for the timebeing to finish their final year at university. Yuki was going to goto college locally, which pleased Eddie. However, there would beothers leaving in the coming days as life went on at its own pace.

Two weeks later, the fall term for the local elementary andsecondary schools opened. Everyone gathered in front of the AlanPerlis home. The girls all wore skirts with no panties underneath. Arisa, whose virginity was claimed by Cecil during the summer,mentally prepared themselves for their new school while Ethan andAya were so into each other on the walk to their first day of highschool that they didn't have any of the butterflies that ordinarilyentails. Aya had begun referring to Ethan as her husband  and hefollowed suit by calling her his wife just like Eddie and Yuki didwith each other.

Because they were new, Cecil had to buy candy bars on the way toschool for all the subbies and then Arisa would do so for all thedominants Tuesday and then the order followed for the others afterthat.

Aya and Shiho had their first period class together and Shiho got alot of strange looks from her fellow students as the pair natteredon in Japanese before the morning bell rang. "Why is that blondechick speaking Japanese?" was the most common observation.

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   Then herteacher mispronounced her first name while calling roll and she hadto correct him. "So you're Japanese?" the instructor asked,astonished. "Half Japanese and half Swedish," she revealed. "Woah,"he reacted before moving on.

Conrad was away at college, but Alissa was in her senior year andpractically as soon as school started she got hit on repeatedly. Atlunch, she was able to flee into the protective huddle of the SouthMarlin Circle crowd, eating next to Cecil, Arisa, Tina and Takashi. Once she had rebuffed enough people, the "stuck up" tag began to bepassed around again. She wished Conrad was there to tell them tofuck off. Nonetheless, she wrote it off to pathetic hurt little boyswho didn't understand her needs.  

The three Eklund girls were also being targeted by hopeful suitorsand 5'7" 120 pound Haruko already had a date scheduled for thatFriday by the end of the school day. The other two also got askedout a couple of times, but they turned those offers down becausethey knew it wouldn't be a lifestyle match.

Brandon Halford eyed Rie Eklund and she would give him a shy smileevery time she noticed he was looking at her. As luck would have it,they had their sixth period geometry class together and so he satnext to her and made small talk. When they walked home from schoolwith the others, he grabbed her hand and she didn't resist. He neverasked her out, but they nonetheless became a couple.

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   At Mrs. Westfield's, he got a good look at her nakedness for the first time,which made him stone hard. She was as tall as her older sister, butwore her hair in a bob, which framed her roundish Japanese face in avery cute way. Brandon, as a new student, caught some shit the nextday at school for taking Rie off the board so early in the game whenthey saw him walking to school with his hand entwined in hers.

At the local junior high, new resident Robbie hung out with Glenn,Olivia, Mina, Akihiro and Anita. Glenn was trying to find waysverbally to get with Olivia without having to completely stick hisneck out and risk rejection. After he was through with what he hadto do at Mrs. Westfield's, Ethan buttonholed him and said that if hewants to be taken seriously as a leader he was just going to have tosuck it up and go for it. "Look dude, in the future, you want torule her, right? So fucking act like it," he urged. "Otherwise, youlook weak, man. Look what I got when I took a chance," he said,nodding to Aya, who giggled. "So come on dude, stop shopping at FailMart and go for the gold!"

It was pretty evident to Glenn now that he was losing face. He hadbeen mooning after Olivia for months and he realized that he wasgoing to have to shit or get off the pot. So Tuesday, after school,he told the others he wanted to have a word with Oliva privately. Olivia, who didn't affect the British accent like her brothers didand who was very talkative and outgoing, was a 5'2" 110 pound lookerwith long brown hair down to her shoulder blades, B cup breasts andskinny legs.

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   Her dark brown eyes had an odd kind of intensity aboutthem that belied her warm, easy smile. "Hey listen Olivia, youprobably already noticed, but I think you're really cool and niceand I want you to be my girlfriend. " "Bloody hell Glenn! It's abouttime!" she laughed. "Why didn't you tell me you were interested?" heasked. "Because I was afraid of looking like a slut," she retorted. He laughed as the tension worked itself out of his emotions andhugged her. He then stared into her eyes and laid a long, slow kisson her that was broken up by one of the teachers, who warned himabout the rules pertaining to public displays of affection oncampus. He took her hand and they set out home.

Maki was pretty amazed. On the first day of going to a new school,her eldest daughter was asked out on a date and her second daughteralready had a boyfriend and it was with one of the boys in theneighborhood. Maki also made Mrs. Westfield her favorite cake andwalked it over to her house as thanks for holding the homeworksessions.

But that wouldn't be all. After Robbie met Mina and had a chance totalk with her he was a goner. He masturbated that night thinkingabout her 5'0" 85 pound body that he had seen naked at Mrs.

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  Westfield's earlier that day and her captivating eyes. He dreamedabout how her little butt would look while she was on all fours inhis bed with him ramming his cock into her. The next day, when heasked Akihiro what he should do to get her, Akihiro barked at him inJapanese, "otoko ni nare (be a man)!" In other words, step up to theplate and ask her out. So he decided to use the same gambit onWednesday that Glenn had used on Olivia. He intercepted her justafter class let out for lunch and took her out near the gym. "Mina-chan suteki desu ne (Mina, you're beautiful and classy). " "Eh?12sai deshou (What are you talking about? I'm only 12)!" shegiggled. "Akarukute, yasashikute, mitara kokoro ha harahara yaru(you're so nice and cheerful that when I see you my heart doesbackflips). " She laughed and rejoindered, "hontou ni (really)?""Tashika ni sou da yo (that is exactly right). " She giggled againand turned red. "Ii (so how about it)?" he asked, extending hishand. She took it and he declared, "ureshii (I'm stoked)!" "Watashimo (me too)!" she returned.

When they emerged out into the lunch area holding hands, Akihiroreacted, "Oh! Ii na (Whoa, cool!). " "Yo dekita na (nice job)!" hesaid to Robbie. They all hugged each other.

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   For Mina, it was herfirst boyfriend and it made her feel a little more grown up. WhenRobbie got home, he told his sisters and his brother about how hewas now going out with the neighbor girl. Haruko then spilled thebeans to Maki, who congratulated her son and added, "God, this is socute. " She liked the concept of him dating Mina because Japanesehave a kind of small town mentality, even those who live in majorcities. Erik later warned him about what the rules were, that hecouldn't have sex with her until after she was on the pill at age 14and couldn't do more than touch her boobs. "This is how youdemonstrate self control, son. Don't fuck it up," he said. "I won'tdad. " "Good, Just concentrate on learning to talk with her becausethat communication is what will make your relationship last. Shecomes first before everything else except for this family, youunderstand?" "Okay dad. I won't blow it with her. " "I hope not, son. I don't want any tensions between neighbors going on. " "Yeah, I knowwhat you mean. " "Good.

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   If you have any questions, ask me, yourmother or your sisters. " 

Friday, Haruko went out with her date, a guy she met in her APscience class named Steven. He was a senior, though, while she was ajunior. He took her to a nice Chinese restaurant and then to amovie. The conversation between them was a little awkward becausethey were both nervous since this was a "date" and not just fuckingaround in a science lab. He was admittedly nerdy at 5'9" and around155 pounds with short, brownish blonde curly hair, wire rimmedglasses and a rather snarky but smart sense of humor. He was hopingto get into either Cal Tech or MIT once he graduated. He had neverhad a girlfriend before, but there was still something about himthat piqued her interest. In line for the movie, he was getting alot of the "what the fuck is he doing with a chick like her?" typeof stares.

The date didn't go off the best, but there was something endearingabout his dorkiness. She didn't kiss him goodnight, but when heasked her for another date over the phone the next day, she saidyes. Monday in class, he got off a few funny one liners reacting tostuff they and their classmates were doing. She also saw the moredifficult side of his personality come out, the one that had anextraordinarily short tolerance for bullshit. That made her evenmore intrigued.

Then Tuesday, he went toe to toe with another student in a politicaldispute and blew the guy's doors off.

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   The thing was that he wasbasically a nice, kind guy with a marked love and empathy foranimals and a strong moral center, but he really had a hard timewith the ways of the herd. That's threatening to the coward thatmost human beings are, but it made Haruko hot. So when they went outthat Friday, he took her to another restaurant and then to a laserlight show, which, to be honest, she found boring. Moreover, hisnative shyness made for a silent car ride back.

After she had enough of this, she finally spoke up. "Steven, do youmind if I ask you a question?" "No, what is it?" he wondered. "Howcome you're so quiet? Are you losing interest in me?" "Oh my God, noHaruko! I'm sorry I'm not a real outgoing guy, but I tend to bebetter at reacting to things or analyzing stuff than coming up withthings to talk about on my own. I think you're really cool. If youwere just some dumb bimbo I wouldn't have bothered. " "Well, that'sgood. So you definitely like me then?" "Oh yeah, for sure. " "Listen,there's a park near my house. I want you to stop at it. " "Uhhhhokay," he hesitated.

She gave him directions how to get there and had him pull into oneof the parking spaces.


   She got out and climbed into the back seat. "Come on sweety," she said, patting the seat next to her. He slid inclose to her. He stared at her blankly since he didn't want to dosomething that would repulse her. She scooted right up against himand pulled his shirt tail out of his pants and ran her hand up hisback. That was enough of an indication for him as to what she wantedand he leaned over, wrapped his left arm around her shoulder andkissed her. They kept kissing and he was a natural at it, which madeher wet. She knew how hard he was from her experience from otherboys. She pulled his zipper down and unfastened the clasp on hispants. Her hand slithered into his boxers and began gliding up anddown his engorged cock as they continued to make out. They were bothmoaning, but he more so. His kisses were at turns tender, intenseand then almost imperceptibly soft. He kissed her eyelids so lightlythen her nose in an attempt to communicate to her that he lovedevery part of her beautiful face. He could feel his balls tighteningas she continued to stroke what she found to be his eight inch dick. She pulled away from him and engulfed his cock with her mouth andwithin seconds he blasted his wad into her yapper, which sheswallowed.

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Steven let out a long sigh and an "oh my God" as he tried to recoverhis breathing. "Are you more relaxed now Steven?" "Oh fuck yeah,Haruko. Oh my God, that was amazing. " "So do you think bad of mebecause I did that?" "Oh hell no. In fact, it makes me like youmore. " She leaned into him and he kissed her passionately. He triedto slide his righthand up her skirt, but she stopped him. He thenattempted to undo her blouse,  but she cut that off at the pass,too. "Steven, I don't want to do that here. Just keep kissing me,"she requested. He did as she demanded. "Fuck, he is really, reallygood at this. I could kiss him for years," she thought to herself. In fact, he was the best kisser she had ever encountered and shefelt something with each one. He wasn't just slobbering on her likea lot of guys do to girls.

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She pulled away and looked at her watch. It was almost 2 a. m. "Steven, you better take me home. It's getting late" "Okay," herelented. When they got back in the front part of the passengercompartment, he held her hand while he drove her to her house. Whenthey were out at the curb, she leaned back into him over thecupholder and kissed him for a minute. "Sweety, I really like you,but we have a couple of things to discuss. Call me tomorrow, okay?""You got it Haruko. Talk to ya later. " "Bye. "

When he got home, he beat off and was still so sexually worked upthat he shot his cum all the way into the headboard behind hisskull. He replayed in his mind the handjob and abbreviated bj shegave him before finally falling asleep, the first time any girl haddone that for him. "Even if she decides that she doesn't like me atleast I can say that I've experienced THAT," he thought to himself.

Haruko got yelled at when she came home for being out so late by herdad.

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   She apologized, saying she let the time get away from her. Shetook a shower and then went to bed. She recognized that Steven wasjust a quiet kind of guy and he was a spectacular kisser and hadthat nice big cock, which she idly contemplated how good it wouldfeel inside of her. She imagined Steven on top and slamming his meatinto her over and over while she diddled herself and had a hot, bodyjerking orgasm that helped her sleep.

Just after dinner Saturday night, Steven called. "Hi Haruko, how'sit goin?" "Hi Steven. I'm good. How about you?" "I'm okay. What didyou want to talk about?" Steven was afraid he was letting himself infor some major bullshit time wasteage, but he called her to keep thelines of communication open. He definitely wasn't about to let hernag him, though. "Steven, I think you have a lot of really goodsides to you. . . . " "Oh Great, here it comes," he thought to himself,expecting her to lower the big hammer and tell him to get lost.

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  "However, I need you to be more open with me so that I can getcloser to you. When you pull the silent treatment, even though Iknow you don't mean to, it makes me feel left out. " "I'm sorry aboutthat Haruko, but I've always been a pretty quiet guy and even myhobbies are rather solitary pursuits. So I've never really learnedhow to be spontaneous and chatty. " "Well, I know you're smart andwitty and you're a great kisser. But just try to bring me into yourworld more, okay?" "Haruko, here is what it is: I tend to keep mydistance from people because I've been disappointed a lot by them inmy life. But once I really get to trust you then I'll open up and bemore expressive. " "That's what I'm talking about Steven. That wasexactly what I needed to hear from you about yourself. Now Iunderstand a little more about you. " "That's good," he chuckled. "

"Hey listen, I know this sounds lame, but my parents and I are goingto the Getty Museum Sunday. You wanna come?" "I've been there beforeSteven and I don't know that I want to meet your parents yet. I likemuseums, though. Why don't we go to a couple of the ones down herenext weekend?" "That's a really good idea, Haruko.

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   Do you want tocall it a date?" "Sounds like a plan, man," she laughed. "Great. Seeyou in class Monday. " "Okay Steven. Bye bye. "

Monday in their science class, she came over and sat next to him. The teacher was showing a film and so, in the dark, he moved hisstool closer to her and reached for her hand. She pressed his handwhen he folded hers into his before they intertwined their fingers. There was something inside of her that made it feel natural to bewith him and he ended up walking her home after class ended. Hetalked about the museum and what he saw there. Once he saw him turntoward where he lived, which was three blocks away, she hightailedit over to Mrs. Westfield's. Haruko apologized for not showing upwith the others, but Mrs. Westfield had already been apprised ofHaruko having been seen with an outsider, so she understood.

That night, she called him and told him to pick her up at her housein the morning.

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   She warned her mom and the rest of her family thathe was coming over. Maki let him in and she sized him up. He waspretty formal with her. Then Haruko and the rest of her siblingscame out and followed them. They went to the Alan Perlis house whereeverybody gathered before heading to school. "Wow, what is this?"Steven asked about all the kids just hanging around. "They're justmy friends. It's kind of a close knit community here," she told him. "I guess," he said suspiciously. She introduced everyone to him andthen they went to school. She didn't stop when they went to get thecandy bars at the convenience store.

At lunch, she went looking for him and found him reclining on aplanter against a pillar reading. "Hey sweety, how come you didn'tjoin us for lunch?" she asked. "I would feel like I'm party crashingsince I barely know any of them," he confessed. "Do you mind if wetalk about sex?' Steven laughed and said, "yeah, I'm up for that.

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  ""So what do you like sexually?" she wondered. "To tell you the truthHaruko, I don't have much experience with it. " "Well, what kind ofporn do you look at?" "Just the usual stuff. " "What do you think ofbondage?" "Different strokes for different folks. " "Do you think youwould like to try it sometime?" "It would have to be really mildstuff, Haruko. I would be so paranoid about hurting my partner. Iwant her to enjoy being with me as much as I enjoy being with her. Why? Are you into that?" "Not really. But you wouldn't think badlyof people who do?" "Haruko, it's not up to me to tell people whatthey can do in private. Everybody's different. I try to mind my ownbusiness when it comes to consensual acts. " "So let's say we getmarried and you find out a relative of mine engages in BDSM. Wouldyou look down on them?" "Oh, so that's why you're asking me this!You have a lifestyler in your family, huh?" "Sort of. " "Haruko,first, I like you and what other people do around you I don't give ashit about unless it would hurt you. Second, as long as yourrelative otherwise acts ethically I'm fine with it.

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   I confess that Ihave checked into BDSM and even kinda like rope bondage as an artform, but, for example, I can't imagine doing that with you exceptfor maybe tying you to the bed occasionally and that's only ifyou're into it. "

"Do you mind if I ask you a question Haruko?" he continued "Sure. ""Are you my girlfriend or not?" "Do you want me to be yourgirlfriend?" "Fuck yeah I want you to be my girlfriend. Are youkidding?" "Okay, then I'm you're girlfriend. " "Killer!" He came downoff the planter and embraced her and started kissing herpassionately. "Come on baby, let's go join my friends. " "Okay. "

She led him over to the part of the campus that the South MarlinCircle and affiliated crowd hangs out at. "Hey Steven," one of themsaid. "Hey, dude, what's up?" "Same old same old, you know. " "So are you guys formally a couple now?" Aoi asked Steven. "Yeah. ""Sweet man. Haruko's a babe!" Brandon enthused. "Hell yeah she is,"Steven echoed.

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   "Geez, are all the girls in your neighborhood as hotas the ones I see here?" Steven  asked, trying to further involvehimself in the conversation. "Dude, you haven't even seen the oneswho just left for college. It's insane someone like me would have ashot at Aya here, too. Life is good. " "I bet it is. I'm sorry if Idon't remember everybody's name, though. I'm a little slow thatway. "  "No prob, man, Brandon began. "We have some big families. Kinda need a scorecard at first before you remember everybody'snames. You might catch some shit for dating Haruko, though. I didwhen her sister and I became a couple the first day of school. Thereare some real jealous people around. "  "That sucks. If more peopleminded their own business this would be a better society," Stevenpreached.

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   "Yeah, that's kind of our attitude, too," Brandon agreed. Just then, the bell rang and it was back to class.

Steven felt better about walking home amid that gaggle of peopleafter school. When they got to South Marlin Circle, Haruko stoppedand said she was going to go over to Aoi's house and she would talkto him later. "Coolness. Have fun babe," he said and, after kissingher, headed to his own home. Of course, Haruko was actually going toMrs. Westfield's.

Nobody bothered him about how he landed Haruko, but she did get the,"what do you see in him?" question from a couple of people. "I don'tknow. He sorta thinks outside the box and I think it's interestingplus he's kinda cute. " "You mean outside the planet!" one of themshot back. "Whatever," Haruko snapped.

Saturday, they went to the museums they had talked about. They werekinda "meh" though.


   So they went for Mexican food and then he beganto take her home, but she told him to stop at the park they had beento before because she wanted to talk. "You remember earlier in theweek when we talked about sex and bdsm?" she asked. "Yeah. " "WellSteven, you were right, I have people in my family who practice itas a lifestyle, though I personally don't. But I have a much biggersecret and I need you to promise me you won't tell anyone and it issuper important that you don't say a word. " "Yeah, no problemHaruko. " "All the people I introduced you to? They all practice it,too. " "Whoa. You mean basically that your neighborhood is organizedaround BDSM stuff?" "Broadly speaking, yeah. I shouldn't even betelling you this, but I liked what you said about minding one'sbusiness and it is so stressful hiding it from you. " "Wow! Thanksfor telling me, I guess. It's not like I want to intervene inpeople's private shit, though, babe. As long as people aren't forcedto do shit against their will. " "No. It's all consensual.

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   My sistersand brothers are into it, but I'm not and so they let me just have aregular vanilla sex life. " "So your parents know you have sex?""Yeah. I've been on birth control since I was 14. That's one of therules of the community. " "So is there any pedo stuff going on?" "OhGod no! That's forbidden. All the masters and slaves who are teensare within a year or two of each other. Most are the same age,though. " "You know, you didn't really need to tell me, though. I'msure they don't do it in a way that would be conspicuous givensociety's fucked up sexual attitudes. " "Well, I didn't want you tobe shocked or embarrassed if you accidentally ran into something. "

"Don't tell anyone you know. My parents would kill me and everyonewould hate me. " " "No big deal sweety. Again, different strokes for different folks. " "Thanks Steven.

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   It feels like this big burden hasbeen lifted off of me. Keep in mind, though, that you're what wecall an outsider, so like if you are going to go to one of ourhouses, the person bringing you would have to call ahead because wehave mandatory indoor nudity and would need to get dressed ahead ofyour arrival. Also, minors have to keep our bedroom doors open sothat the parents and other kids can make sure we're not doinganything that would endanger our partners. " "So if I had sex withyou at your house it would have to be with the doors open?" "Yeah. No big deal, though. Mom knows I lost my virginity last year. Sex isjust a part of life to us. "  "Wow, that's interesting. I understandit intellectually, but I don't know how I would react to yourparents watching us having sex emotionally. " "Yeah, I think thatprobably flips most people out. The general environment is sosupportive, though. We all watch out for each other. It can be alittle religious cult like sometimes, except without the religion. ""Good. I'm an atheist.

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  " "Yeah, nobody in the neighborhood is reallyreligious since religious groups would probably crucify people likemy family and the others. "

"Well look, can we go to your house?" "Let me call and check. ""Okay. " Haruko talked to her mother in Japanese to tell her herboyfriend is coming. She approved, but asked Haruko to wait 15minutes. "She really wants to meet you, Steven. We have to wait afew minutes, though, so she can check to see who's home and so sheand anyone else can get dressed. " "Okay. "

When he pulled up in front of Haruko's house, Steven got a littlenervous. He wondered if he was going to get the third degree fromher mom or the stink eye from her father. However, Erik was golfingwith Alan Perlis and Koji Yamanori and everyone else was out, so itwas just Maki who was there. Haruko led him to her bedroom, whichwas as neat as a pin. He sat with his back to the headboard andHaruko plopped herself down next to him on his left. Maki broughtthem cokes and some munchies. "Are you sure this is okay with herHaruko?" "Don't worry about it, sweety.

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  " "Cool. "

They put down the cokes and the edibles and Steven wrapped Haruko inhis arms and kissed her. He took his time with it and was warmingher up nicely. She was drinking in how his kisses made her feel andliked how playful he often was with them. He slipped his hand underher tank top and fumbled with her bra. She giggled and undid it forhim before pulling them both off, exposing her very full C cups withprominent dark  brown nipples. He continued to kiss her while heplayed with her tits, feeling the evolving stiffness of the milkducts and the pillowy quality of her knockers. She could feel thewarmth and slickness between her legs as her body was preparing foreventual penetration. He scooted his body down slightly and suckedon her right nipple. "Oh God, that feels so good," she gasped,stroking his head. He paused for a minute just to gaze at thetotality of her upper body and then resumed pulling on her milk dudswith his lips and flicking them with his tongue. He moved to herleft breast and gave it the same treatment he did the right. Hepopped the button of her pants and gradually pulled the zipper down. His heart was beating a million miles an hour as his hand crawledunderneath her panties and he felt his first pussy. She placed herhand on his and instructed him on how to rub her clit.

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   She reachedover and undid his pants and yanked his hard cock out. She rolledhim on his back and helped him get his clothes off. Then she shedthe remainder of hers.

"My God Haruko, you're so beautiful it's unreal," he praised. "Thanks sweety," she acknowledged as her mouth encircled his penisand he enjoyed the sensation of her lips sandwiching and thenapplying pressure to it. He shivered at how good it felt as hisballs leaked precum into her mouth while her head bobbed smoothly upand down the entirety of his fuck stick. There was a time when hebelieved that no girl would do this for him, but now this gorgeousbiracial women was sucking on his root and he was about to explodeas she bobbed her head faster and faster, her blonde hair on hislegs adding to the sensations. "Oh shit Haruko, I'm going to cum,"he declared and she kept right on truckin' before he vented his nutsinto her piehole. She displayed her reward and then sent it down heresophagus.

"Oh my God Haruko, that was the best feeling ever!" he propounded. She giggled and laid beside him again. He scooted down the bed andbetween her legs and stared at her pussy. "I've never done thisbefore, so you're going to have to tell me what you like," hedisclosed. She pointed to her clit and said, "lick and suck this"and then giggled. He put his mouth over it and rolled and flickedhis tongue on and at it , trying to imitate what he had seen ininternet porn.

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   He then added some sucking and she emitted a longmoan and he continued with that for a bit. "This is how if feelswhen you suck my cock babe,"  he taught before burying his face backinto her crotch. She stroked the back of his head as she felt theheat in her clit and in her body accumulate. "Oh God Steven, keepthat up," she begged and he went at her love nubbin harder, savagelyassaulting it with his tongue and then giving it a long suck thatcaused the sensations within her to detonate into fiery pin pricksof pleasure throughout her being. He didn't let up and mere minuteslater she was huffing, puffing and gasping as the temperature of herpleasure ascended to a sun like intensity.

Steven was as hard as a rock now and climbed on top of her. He aimedhis prong at her opening and pushed it in to the hilt. "Oh fuckSteven, you have such a big one," she sighed as he began to thrustit in and out of her. The feel of her warm, tender walls against hisstiff dick gave him the most pleasure he had ever felt in his life,even more than the blowjob he was given a little over half an hourbefore. Her eyes rolled up into her head as he stuffed her over andover, the scintillating friction causing her to gasp on eachinstroke. She  grabbed his ass and pulled on it, urging him to fuckher harder. He picked up the pace, inflaming her vaginal nerveendings and, in her mind, making his diving cock the center of heruniverse. She could feel herself beginning to let go as the rush ofbliss began to hit  her. "Oh fuck, I'm cumming!" she blurted in achoked gasp and he rammed her harder than ever, wanting to launchher into outer space, silently rejoicing that he was able to makeher cum so that she would want more.

"God Steven, fuck, I love your cock," she admitted as he continuedto let her enjoy the magic of his meat club, eliciting anotherorgasm from her before he couldn't hold back any longer and gushedhis sperm into her marshy cunt.

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   She wrapped her arms around his neckand held him on top of her. "God baby, that was wonderful," shesighed. "For a guy who has never had sex before you did reallygood," she giggled. "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself Haruko. You meanso much to me," he told her. He pulled her over on to her side anddrew her into his arms and hugged her tightly. "Steven, I love youbabe. You're such a great guy," she burbled. "I love you, too,Haruko. You're an epic girl and I hope we're together for a long,long time. "So how many kids do you want Steven?" "I would love tohave a boy and a girl  Haruko. How about you?" "That sounds good tome too, but can we have a third? Three is my lucky number . ""Absolutely. I know you'll be a great mom, too. You'll be the MILFon the block, too," he added chuckling.

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   That thought made hergiggle.

"So do you think your mom heard us?" "Yeah. She probably saw us,too," she laughed. "Now there's a thought," he laughed. Just thenMaki appeared in the doorway. "Did you want to stay for dinnerSteven?" she asked while he sat in bed with her daughter naked andwith semen dripping out of her. "Uh, no, that's okay Mrs. Eklund. Mymom has probably already started making ours and would be mad if Isuddenly bailed on it. But thank you. " "I'd better go. " he then saidto Haruko. After dressing, he kissed her and told her he loved heragain and then went home. . is the hottest online escort service in Rhodes!

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